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On the Efficiency of Semi-Direct Products of Finite Cyclic Monoids by
One-Relator Monoids
Article · September 2010 DOI: 10.1063/1.3497846 CITATIONS 0 READS 23 5 authors, including:Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Classification of knots by semigroups and Pretzel linksView project
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Ahmet Sinan Çevik Selcuk University
Ismail naci Cangul Uludag University
On the Efficiency of Semi-Direct Products of Finite Cyclic
Monoids by One-Relator Monoids
Fırat Ate¸s
∗, Eylem G. Karpuz
2∗, A. Dilek Güngör
3†, A. Sinan Çevik
5I. Naci
∗∗∗Balikesir University, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Art, Cagis Campus, 10145, Balikesir, Turkey
†Selçuk University, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Alaaddin Keykubat Campus, 42075, Konya, Turkey
∗∗Uludag University, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Art, Görükle Campus, 16059, Bursa, Turkey
Abstract. In this paper we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the efficiency of a standard presentation for the
semi-direct product of finite cyclic monoids by one-relator monoids.
Keywords: Efficiency, finite cyclic monoids, one-relator monoids. PACS: 2010 MSC: 20L05, 20M05, 20M15, 20M50.
LetP = [x;r] be a finite presentation for a monoid M. Then the Euler characteristic of P is defined byχ(P) =
1−|x|+|r| and an upper bound of M is defined byδ(M) = 1−rkZ(H1(M))+d(H2(M)). In an unpublished work, S.J.
Pride has shown thatχ(P) ≥δ(M). With this background, one can define a monoid presentation P to be efficient if
χ(P) =δ(M), and then M is called efficient if it has an efficient presentation.
It is well known that one of the effective way to show efficiency for the monoid M is to use spherical monoid
pictures overP. These geometric configurations are the representative elements of the Squier complex denoted by
D(P) (see, for example [4], [5], [7]). Suppose Y is a collection of spherical monoid pictures over P. Two monoid
pictures P and Pare equivalent relative to Y if there is a finite sequence of monoid pictures P= P0,P1,···,Pm= P
where, for 1≤ i ≤ m, the monoid picture Pi is obtained from the picture Pi−1 either by the insertion, deletion and
replacement operations. By definition, a set Y of spherical monoid pictures overP is a trivializer of D(P) if every
spherical monoid picture is equivalent to an empty picture relative to Y. The trivializer is also called a set of generating pictures.
For any monoid picture P overP and for any R ∈ r, expR(P) denotes the exponent sum of R in P which is the
number of positive discs labelled by R+, minus the number of negative discs labelled by R−. For a non-negative
integer n,P is said to be n-Cockcroft if expR(P) ≡ 0 (mod n), (where congruence (mod 0) is taken to be equality) for
all R∈ r and for all spherical pictures P over P. Then a monoid M is said to be n-Cockcroft if it admits an n-Cockcroft
presentation. In fact to verify the n-Cockcroft property, it is enough to check for pictures P∈ Y, where Y is a trivializer
(see [4], [5]). The 0-Cockcroft property is usually just called Cockcroft. The following result is also an unpublished result by S.J. Pride.
Theorem 1 LetP be a monoid presentation. Then P is efficient if and only if it is p-Cockcroft for some prime p.
1 Corresponding author, fi[email protected] 2 [email protected]
3 [email protected] 4 [email protected]
5 The fifth author is supported by Uludag University Research Fund, Project Nos: 2006-40, 2008-31 and 2008-54. [email protected]
CP1281, ICNAAM, Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, International Conference 2010 edited by T. E. Simos, G. Psihoyios, and Ch. Tsitouras
Let K be a finite cyclic monoid with the presentationPK = [y ; yk= yl(l < k)], and let A be one-relator monoid
with presentationPA= [x ; R+= R−]. Also letψbe an endomorphism of K. Then we have a mapping
x−→ End(K), x −→ψx,
where x∈ x.
In fact this induces a homomorphismθ: A−→ End(K), x −→ψx if and only ifψR+=ψR− and(yk)ψx= (yl)ψx
where x∈ x. For R+= a1a2···arand R−= z1z2···zs, let us define(y)ψai by y
mi and(y)ψ
zj by y
nj, where a
i,zj∈ x
and mi,nj∈ Z+. Therefore in order to define semi-direct product, we must have
[ym1m2···mr] = [yn1n2···ns], (1)
and then we get the corresponding semi-direct product M= K ×θA with the presentation
PM= [y,x ; yk= yl, R+= R−, Tyxi], (2)
where Tyxi : yxi= xiyti (xi∈ x,ti∈ Z+) such that we have the relation (1) for yti.
If U= x1x2···xnis a positive word on x, then we denote the word(y)ψUby(···(((y)ψx1)ψx2)ψx3···)ψxn) and this
can be represented by a monoid picture, say AU,y. For the relation R+= R−, we have two important special cases AR+,y
and AR−,yof this consideration. We should note that these non-spherical pictures consist of only Tyxi-discs (xi∈ x).
Also, since[(yk)ψ
x]PK= [(y l)ψ
x]PK, there exists a non-spherical picture, say BS,x, overPKwhere S : y
k= yl. On the
other hand, since we have R+= R−, we get[(y)ψR+]PK= [(y)ψR−]PK. Hence there is a non-spherical picture over
PK which is denoted by Cy,ψR withι(Cy,ψR) = (y)ψR+andτ(Cy,ψR) = (y)ψR−, where R : R+= R−.
Now, by considering the presentationPM in (2), we prove the following theorem as a main result in the present
Theorem 2 Let p be a prime or 0. Then the presentationPM is p-Cockcroft if and only if the following conditions
(i) k − l ≡ 0 (mod p),
(ii) For each i, ti≡ 1 (mod p),
(iii) m1m2···mr−n1n2···ns
k−l ≡ 0 (mod p),
(iv) expTyxi(AR+,y) ≡ expTyxi(AR−,y) (mod p).
We may refer [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] to the reader for most of the fundamental material (for instance, semidirect products of monoids, Squier complex, a trivializer set of the Squier complex, spherical and non-spherical monoid pictures) which will be needed here.
In [8], Wang constructed a finite trivializer set for the standard presentation for the semi-direct product. By using this paper, we can construct spherical monoid pictures, say PS,xand PR,y, by the non-spherical pictures BS,x, AR+,y, AR−,y
and Cy,ψR.
Let XAand XKbe trivializer sets ofD(PA) and D(PK), respectively. Also, let C1consists of the pictures PS,xand
C2consists of the pictures PR,ywhere S : yk= yl and R : R+= R−.
Let us consider the presentationPM, as in(2). Then, by [8], a trivializer set of D(PM) is
XA∪ XK∪ C1∪ C2.
In here, the subpictures Cy,ψRand B −1
S,xi contain just S : y
k= yl(l < k) discs. Moreover, each of the subpictures A
and A−1R−,y consists of just the Tyxi discs. The reason for us keeping work on the above monoid pictures is their usage
in the important connection between efficiency and p-Cockcroft property. Therefore, in the present paper, we will use this connection to get the efficiency. To do that we will count the exponent sums of the discs in these above pictures to
Let us consider the pictures given in above. To prove Theorem 2, we will count the exponent sums of the discs in these pictures.
At first, let us think the pictures PS,xi. It is easy to see that
expS(PS,xi) = 1 − expS(BS,xi), and to p-Cockcroft property be hold, we need to have
expS(PS,xi) ≡ 0 (mod p) ⇔ expS(BS,xi) ≡ 1 (mod p)
⇔ ti≡ 1 (mod p).
Moreover, in PS,xi, we also have l times positive and k times negative Tyxi: yxi= xiy
ti discs. That means
expTyxi(PS,xi) = l − k,
and so we must have k− l ≡ 0 (mod p) to p-Cockcroft property be hold.
Secondly let us consider the pictures PR,y. In these pictures, we have only one positive and one negative S disc.
Therefore expS(PR,y) ≡ 0 (mod p). Now let us check the exponent sums in the subpictures AR+,y and A−1R−,y. (We recall
that these two subpictures are dual of each other). Then, the exponent sum of Tyxidiscs in pictures PR,yare
expTyxi(PR,y) = expTyxi(AR+,y) − expTyxi(AR−,y), (3)
So we have expTyxi(AR+,y) ≡ expTyxi(AR−,y) (mod p) to get efficiency. Thus it remains to check the subpictures Cy,ψR. By a simple calculations, one can show that the number of discs is m1m2···mr−n1n2···ns
k−l = c in this picture. Thus we have
c≡ 0 (mod p). Hence the result.
We note that, by considering the trivializer sets XA and XK of the Squier complexes D(PA) and D(PK),
respectively, it can be easily deduced thatPAandPKare p-Cockcroft, in fact Cockcroft, presentations.
These all above procedure give us sufficient conditions to be the presentationPM in (2) is p-Cockcroft for any
prime p. In fact the converse part (necessary conditions) of the theorem is quite clear.
As an example, let us suppose that the monoid A is presented byPA= [x1,x2; xm1x2x1= xm2x1x2]. Then in order to
define semi-direct product with K, we must have[yt1m+1t2] = [yt2m+1t1] by replacing (y)ψ
x1 with y
t1 and(y)ψ
x2 with y
Hence we get the corresponding semi-direct product M with the presentation PM= [y,x1,x2; yk= yl, xm1x2x1= xm2x1x2,
yx1= x1yt1, yx2= x2yt2]. (4)
Let us consider presentation given in(4) .Then we can give the following corollary as a consequence of the main
Corollary 3 Let p be a prime or 0. Then the presentationPMis p-Cockcroft if and only if the following conditions
(i) k − l ≡ 0 (mod p),
(ii) For each i ∈ {1,2}, ti≡ 1 (mod p),
(iii) t1m+1t2−t2m+1t1 k−l ≡ 0 (mod p), (iv) 1−tm1 1−t1 +t m 1t2−t2m≡ 0 (mod p) and 1−tm 2 1−t2 +t1t m 2 −t1m≡ 0 (mod p).
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