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This research has some limitations besides its contributions to the literature and field work. First of all, asking individuals who lost a loved one to complete a survey related to this sad event was the main challenge of this study. Remembering this event, even if they agreed to fill in the questionnaire, might have been demotivating. This is one of the difficulties of grief research.

Although the instruments used to collect data are adequate in terms of reliability and validity, all the instruments are self-report type. Almost all instruments include information about emotional processes and difficulties that individuals experience. Problems arising from the fact that the scales are self-report and which can be seen in each self-report scale may have occurred such as misremembering, false pretense and so on. Also, the scale used to assess grief symptoms (TTBQ) takes a little longer to fill. In addition to reminding people about a sad event, the length of the scale may have made it difficult to complete. Instead, face to face interviews with participants could have been planned to gather information about the grieving process. Hence, qualitative methods can be also included in the data collection process for future research.

In current study, requirement for loss experience was stated as last 5 years. Since the study is cross-sectional, participants provided retrospective information about the loss they experienced. Nevertheless, there were no data to compare whether the years since the loss had an impact on the current status of the participants. If this study was a longitudinal one, we could have learned about the situation people experienced immediately after the loss.

Moreover, we could have compared the participants’ symptoms at different times.

Longitudinal future studies can be designed in order to fully understand what people experience following loss.

“Closeness to person lost” was one of the questions posed to the participants in this study. Since the participants' responses to this question was not evenly distributed among the options and most of the participants marked the option of “other relatives”, this variable was not included in the analyses. However, in the literature, it is stated that the closeness to the person lost may be decisive for complicated grief (Prigerson et al., 2009; Kersting et al.,


2011; Cesur, 2017). Thus, closeness, especially perceived closeness as a variable can be included in future studies.

In this research, SOC has included in the proposed model because it is thought that it may play a protective and preventive role in the relationship of the other research variables.

However, the moderating role of SOC has found as a result of only one model analysis in which self-sacrifice schema was an independent variable. This situation was interpreted to be related to the culture or formation processes of EMS and SOC in the developmental trajectory. Besides, further research is needed to better understand the role of SOC in this model and the underlying causes of this role.

In a nutshell, further research is suggested to support the findings of current research.

Also, the question marks that remain in mind after this study can also be removed by longitudinal future studies designed with inclusion of qualitative methods.



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