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Fasıl 33: Mali ve Bütçesel Hükümler


4.33. Fasıl 33: Mali ve Bütçesel Hükümler

Bu Fasılda ilave ilerleme kaydedilmiştir. Türkiye’nin gümrük politikası, KDV sistemi, ulusal hesapları ve Gayrı Safi Yurtiçi Hasıla hesaplamaları AB’nin öz kaynaklar sistemi ile büyük ölçüde uyumludur. Özellikle, Avrupa Hesap Sistemine (ESA 95) uyum sağlanması çerçevesinde, AB müktesebatının ilgili fasıllarında (gümrük birliği, vergilendirme, istatistik ve mali kontrol) uyum çalışmaları sürdürülmektedir.

Öz kaynaklara ilişkin AB müktesebatı üyelikle birlikte doğrudan uygulanacak nitelikte olduğundan, bu alandaki müktesebatın iç hukuka aktarılması gerekmemektedir. Bununla birlikte, öz kaynakların doğru hesaplanması, tahsilâtı, ödenmesi ve kontrolünün sağlanmasına ilişkin koordinasyon yapılarının ve uygulama kurallarının oluşturulması gerekmektedir. Başta tarım, gümrükler, vergilendirme, istatistik ve mali kontrol alanları olmak üzere idari kapasitenin güçlendirilmesine ihtiyaç bulunmaktadır. AB’nin mali çıkarlarının korunması amacıyla gümrük vergisi ve KDV yolsuzluğu ile mücadelede etkin araçlar geliştirilmesi gerekmektedir.


Bu alandaki AB müktesebatı katılımla birlikte doğrudan uygulanır. Türkiye’nin temel ilkeler ve kurumlar itibarıyla bu alandaki müktesebata uyumu ileri düzeydedir. Bununla birlikte, önümüzdeki dönemde etkin koordinasyon yapılarının, idari kapasitenin ve uygulama kurallarının geliştirilmesi gerekmekte olup, bunlara ilişkin çalışmalar henüz erken aşamadadır.


İSTATİSTİKİ VERİ (14 Eylül 2009 itibarıyla) Türkiye

Temel Veri Not 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Nüfus (bin) 65.787 66.889 67.896 68.838 69.770 70.692 71.610 72.520 69.689b 70.586

Ülkenin toplam yüzölçümü (km2) (1) 783.562 783.562 783.562 783.562 783.562 783.562 783.562 783.562 783.562 783.562

Ulusal hesaplar Not 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Gayrisafi Yurt İçi Hâsıla (GSYİH) (milyon ulusal para birimi) 104.596 166.658 240.224 350.476 454.781 559.033 648.932 758.391 843.178 950.098

GSYİH (milyon avro) 233.424 289.446 219.816 243.570 269.322 314.304 387.655 419.013 472.879 501.109

GSYİH (kişi başına avro) 3.684 4.504 3.375 3.690 4.027 4.640 5.652 6.036 6.731b 7.050

GSYİH (kişi başına Satın Alma Gücü Paritesine (SGP) göre) 7.000,0 7.600,0 7.000,0 7.000,0 7.000,0 8.100,0 9.100,0 10.100,0e 11.100b 11.400,0e

SI: GSYİH (kişi başına SGP’ye göre, AB-27=100) 39,1 39,9 35,5 34,3 33,9 37,3 40,4 42,5 44,7b 45,5e

SI: GSYİH büyüme hızı (sabit fiyatlarda ulusal para, geçen yıla göre % değişim) -3,4 6,8 -5,7 6,2 5,3 9,4 8,4 6,9 4,7 0,9

SI: İstihdam artışı (ulusal hesaplar, geçen yıla göre % değişim) 2,1 -0,4e -1,0e -1,8e -1,0e 3,0e 1,4e 1,3e 1,1e 1,8e

Emek verimliliği artışı: çalışan kişi başına GSYİH’de büyüme (geçen yıla göre % değişim) -5,4 7,2e -4,7e 8,1e 6,3e 6,1e 6,9e 5,5e 3,3e -0,9e

SI: Birim emek maliyetinde artış (ulusal hesaplar, geçen yıla göre % değişim) 26,4 : : : : : : : : :

SI: Emek verimliliği (çalışan kişi başına SGP’ye göre GSYİH, AB-27=100) 48,8 53,1 e 48,9e 48,9e 49,5e 53,8e 57,9e 61,8e 62,9e 64,0e Temel sektörler itibarıyla gayrisafi katma değer (%)

Tarım 10,7 10,8 9,4 11,4 11,1 10,7 10,6 9,4 8,5 8,5

Sanayi 25,4 24,6 23,8 23,2 23,5 23,0 23,0 22,9 22,3 21,9

İnşaat 5,6 5,4 4,7 4,6 4,5 5,0 5,0 5,4 5,4 5,2

Hizmetler 58,3 59,2 62,1 60,8 60,8 61,3 61,3 62,4 63,7 64,4

Nihai tüketim harcamaları, GSYİH içindeki payı itibarıyla (%) 80,7 82,2 80,8 80,8 83,5 83,2 83,5 82,9 83,7 82,6

Gayrisafi sabit sermaye oluşumu, GSYİH içindeki payı itibarıyla (%) 18,9 20,4 15,9 16,7 17,0 20,3 21,0 22,3 21,8 19,9

Stok değişmesi, GSYİH içindeki payı itibarıyla (%) 0,2 0,4 -0,9 0,9 0,6 -1,0 -1,0 -0,2 -0,4 1,9

Mal ve hizmet ihracatı, GSYİH’ye oranla (%) 19,4 20,1 27,4 25,2 23,0 23,6 21,9 22,7 22,3 23,9

Mal ve hizmet ithalatı, GSYİH’ye oranla (%) 19,3 23,1 23,3 23,6 24,0 26,2 25,4 27,6 27,5 28,4

Sanayi Not 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Sanayi üretim endeksi, hacim (2000=100) : 100,0 91,3 99,9 108,7 119,3 128,7 136,3 143,6 140,5

Enflasyon oranı Not 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

SI: Tüketici Fiyat Endeksi (TÜFE) (toplam, geçen yıla göre % değişim) 64,9 54,9 54,4 45,0 25,3 10,6 8,2 9,6 8,8 10,4

Ödemeler dengesi Not 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Ödemeler dengesi: Cari işlemler hesabı (milyon avro) -868 -10.741 4.198 -662 -6.643 -11.601 -17.794 -25.401 -27.547 -28.233

Ödemeler dengesi cari hesap: Dış ticaret dengesi (milyon avro) -9.168 -23.882 -3.755 -6.758 -11.925 -18.278 -26.516 -32.607 -34.079 -36.080

Ödemeler dengesi cari hesap: Hizmetler dengesi (milyon avro) 7.039 12316 10.201 8.339 9.292 10.288 12.276 11.015 10112 11.906

Ödemeler dengesi cari hesap: Gelir dengesi (milyon avro) -3.319 -4.333 -5.583 -4.816 -4.912 -4.509 -4.722 -5.329 -5.212 -5.423

Ödemeler dengesi cari hesap: Cari transferler (milyon avro) 4.580 5.158 3.335 2.573 902 898 1.169 1.520 1.632 1.364

Resmi transferler (milyon avro) 330 221 224 526 257 252 485 495 590 495

Net doğrudan yabancı yatırım (DYY) (milyon avro) 129 121 3.188 1.013 1.107 1.612 7.208 15.184 14.665 10615

Yurtdışına doğrudan yabancı yatırım (milyon avro) -605 -942 -555 -185 -441 -627 -855 -736 -1.537 -1.758

Rapor düzenlenen ülkenin AB-27’deki DYY’si (milyon avro) : : : : : : : : : 0

Rapor düzenlenen ülkedeki doğrudan yabancı yatırım (DYY) (milyon avro) 735 1.063 3.743 1.198 1.548 2.239 8.063 15.920 16.202 12.373

AB-27’nin rapor düzenlenen ülkedeki DYY’si (milyon avro) : : : : : : : : : 2

Kamu maliyesi Not 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Genel devlet açığı/fazlası, GSYİH’ye oranla (%) : : -33,0 -12,9 -11,3 -4,5 -0,6 -0,1 -1,2 :

SI: Genel devlet borç stoğu, GSYİH’ye oranla (%) : 42,9 77,6 73,7 67,3 59,2 52,3 46,1 39,4 :

Mali göstergeler Not 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Tüm ekonomideki brüt dış borç, GSYİH’ye oranla (%) 41,7 44,7 57,7 56,2 47,3 41,2 35,2 39,4 38,4 :

Tüm ekonomideki brüt dış borç, toplam ihracata oranla (%) 214,3 222,4 210,4 222,8 205,5 175,0 161,1 173,7 172,1 :

Para arzı: M1 (banknot, madeni para, gecelik mevduat, milyon avro) (2) 8.635 12.205 8.965 9.291 13.188 15.762 38.978 38.616 44.644 39.927 Para arzı: M2 (M1 artı iki yıla kadar vadeli mevduat, milyon avro) (3) 41.324 51.591 37.253 36.325 47.398 59.415 150.152 160.193 201.366 203.840 Para arzı: M3 (M2 artı pazarlanabilir araçlar, milyon avro) (4) 42.950 54.207 38.973 38.041 50.488 63.411 164.302 171.832 215.308 214.473 Parasal mali kuruluşların ülke mukimlerine verdikleri toplam kredi (konsolide) (milyon avro) 30.856 44.492 26.977 20.035 29.025 43.328 83.772 100.358 140.157 138.301

Faiz oranları: günlük oran, yıllık (%) 79,8 56,0 95,5 49,6 36,1 22,0 15,1 15,8 17,3 16,1

Borçlanma faiz oranı (bir yıllık vadeli), yıllık (%) (5) 86,1 51,2 78,8 53,7 42,8 29,1 23,8 19,0 20,1 19,7

Mevduat faiz oranı (bir yıl vadeli), yıllık (%) (6) 85,5 38,2 62,2 53,9 40,3 23,6 19,9 21,5 22,3 22,9

Avro kurları: dönem ortalaması – 1 avro = … ulusal para 0,447 0,575 1,102 1,440 1,695 1,777 1,677 1,809 1,789e 1,896

Efektif döviz kuru endeksi (2000=100) 121,4e 100,0 46,8e 40,1e 40,4e 39,3e 43,6e 39,1.e 44,5e :

Rezerv değerleri (altın dâhil) (milyon avro) 24.253 25.331 22.660 26.949 28.134 27.654 44.277 48.116 52.058 52.442

Dış ticaret Not 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

İthalat: Tüm mallar, tüm ortaklar (milyon avro) 38.351 59.444 46.256 54.478 60.163 78.528 93.410 111.096 123.959 136.438

İhracat: Tüm mallar, tüm ortaklar (milyon avro) 24.964 30.182 35.062 38.137 41.679 50.891 58.849 68.020 78.126 89.522

Ticaret dengesi: Tüm mallar, tüm ortaklar (milyon avro) -13.387 -29.263 -11.194 -16.341 -18.484 -27.637 -34.560 -43.076 -45.833 -46.917 Dış ticaret haddi (ihracat fiyat endeksi/ithalat fiyat endeksi, 1998=100) (7) 112,6 103,0 100,7 100,1 100,0 102,0 99,3 96,0 103,5 96,9

AB-27’ye yapılan ihracatın toplam ihracat içindeki payı (%) 58,0 56,4 56,0 56,6 58,0 57,9 56,4 56,1 56,3 47,9

AB-27’den yapılan ithalatın toplam ithalat içindeki payı (%) 55,4 52,4 47,9 49,8 50,6 49,3 45,2 42,6 40,3 37,0

Nüfus Not 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Doğal büyüme oranı: Doğal değişim (doğumlardan ölümler çıkarılarak) (1000 kişi başına) 15,4 14,1 13,7 13,5 13,2 12,9 12,6 12,6p 12,8 :

Bebek ölüm oranı: 1000 canlı doğum başına 1 yaşından küçük çocuk ölümleri 34,9 31,5 28,4 25,6 23,1 20,9 18,9 17,5 16,7 16,0

Doğumda yaşam beklentisi: Erkek (yaşlar) 68,7 69,0 69,4 69,8 70,1 70,5 70,9 71,1 71,2 71,4

Doğumda yaşam beklentisi: Kadın (yaşlar) 72,8 73,1 73,5 73,9 74,3 74,6 75,0 75,3 75,6 75,8

İşgücü piyasası Not 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Ekonomik faaliyet oranı (15-64): 15-64 yaş arası ekonomik olarak aktif nüfusun oranı (%) 55,2 52,4 52,3 52,3 51,1 51,5 51,3 51,1 49,8 50,6

SI: İstihdam oranı (15-64): 15-64 yaş arası istihdam edilen nüfusun oranı (%) 50,8 48,9 47,8 46,7 45,5 46,1 45,9 45,9 44,6 44,9

15-64 yaş arası istihdam edilen erkek nüfus (%) 72,7 71,7 69,3 66,9 65,9 67,9 68,2 68,0 66,8 66,6

15-64 yaş arası istihdam edilen kadın nüfus (%) 28,9 26,2 26,3 26,6 25,2 24,3 23,7 23,8 22,8 23,5

SI: Yaşlı çalışan istihdam oranı (55-64): 55-64 yaş arası istihdam edilen nüfus (%) 39,3 36,4 35,9 35,3 32,7 33,1 30,8 30,1 27,1 27,4 Temel sektörler itibarıyla istihdam

Tarım 40,2 36,0 37,6 34,9 33,9 34,0 29,5 27,3 23,5 23,7

Sanayi 17,2 17,7 17,5 18,5 18,2 18,3 19,4 19,7 20,8 21,0

İnşaat 6,2 6,3 5,2 4,5 4,6 4,7 5,3 5,7 5,9 5,9

Hizmetler 36,5 40,0 39,7 42,1 43,4 43,0 45,8 47,3 49,8 49,5

SI: İşsizlik oranı: İşsiz olan işgücü oranı (%) 7,7 6,5 8,4 10,3 10,5 10,3 10,3 9,9 10,3 11,0

Erkeklerde işsizlik oranı (%) 7,7 6,6 8,7 10,7 10,7 10,5 10,3 9,7 10,0 10,7

Kadınlarda işsizlik oranı (%) 7,6 6,3 7,5 9,4 10,1 9,7 10,3 10,3 11,0 11,6

25 yaşın altındaki kişilerin işsizlik oranı: 25 yaşın altındaki kişilerin toplam işsizlik içindeki payı (%) 15,0 13,1 16,2 19,2 20,5 19,7 19,3 18,7 20,0 20,5

SI: Uzun dönemli işsizlik oranı: Uzun süredir işsiz olan işgücünün payı (%) 2,1 1,3 1,7 2,9 2,5 4,0 4,1 3,5 3,1 2,9

Sosyal uyum Not 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Ortalama aylık nominal maaş ve ücretler (ulusal para birimi) : : : 372,1 492,0 529,4 595,4 : : :

Reel maaş ve ücret endeksi: Endeksin TÜFE’ye oranı (2000=100) : : : : : : : : : :

SI: Okulu terk edenler: 18-24 yaş arası orta ve lise öğrenimini tamamlamamış ve hâlihazırda

eğitim ya da öğrenim görmeyen nüfus oranı (%) : 58,8 57,3 54,8 53,0 54,6 51,3 50,0 47,8 46,1

Yaşam standardı Not 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

1000 kişiye düşen özel araç sayısı (8) 61,9 66,1 66,8 66,8 67,4 76,4 80,6 84,7 92,9b 96,3

1000 kişiye düşen mobil telefon servislerine abonelik sayısı 116,8 225,2 269,5 338,8 399,7 491,0 609,0 726,2 889,3b 932,5

Altyapı Not 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Demiryolu ağı yoğunluğu (çalışır durumdaki hatlar, 1000km2 başına) 11,1 11,1 11,1 11,0 11,1 11,1 11,1 11,1 11,1 11,1

Otoyol uzunluğu (bin km) 1,7 1,8 1,9 1,9 1,9 1,9 1,8 2,0 2,0 2,0

Yenilik ve araştırma Not 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

SI: GSYİH’ye oranla insan kaynaklarına yapılan harcama (eğitime yapılan kamu harcamaları)

(%) 2,7 2,6 2,3 2,8 3,0 3,0 3,1 3,0 3,3 3,0

SI: Araştırma ve geliştirmeye yönelik yurtiçi harcama, GSYİH’ye oranla (%) 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,7 :

SI: Evde internet erişimi olan hanehalkı oranı (%) : : : : : 7,0 8,0 : 18,9 24,5

Çevre Not 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

SI: Toplam sera gazı emisyonları, CO2 eş değeri (ton, 1990=100) 151,0 165,0 154,0 159,0 168,0 174,0 184,0 196,0 219,0 :

SI: Ekonominin enerji yoğunluğu (2004’teki 1000 avro GSYİH başına petrol eşdeğeri, kg) 290,9 295,2 293,2 286,8 291,5 279,2 267,1 273,3 282,0 :

SI: Elektrik tüketiminde yenilenebilir enerjinin payı (%) 29,5 24,3 19,1 25,6 25,2 30,9 24,7 25,5 19,1 17,3p

SI: Karayolu yük taşımacılığının toplam ülke içi yük taşımacılığı içindeki payı (yük

taşımacılığının tür dağılımı) (%) 94,8 94,3 95,3 95,5 94,6 94,4 94,4e 94,3 : :

Enerji Not 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Tüm enerji ürünlerinin birincil üretimi (bin TOE) 27.659 26.047 24.576 24.281 23.783 24.332 24.549 26.580 27.453 :

Ham petrolün birincil üretimi (bin TOE) 3.087 2.887 2.679 2.564 2.494 2.389 2.395 2.284 2.241 :

Kömür ve linyitin birincil üretimi (bin TOE) 13.284 12.487 12.282 11.360 10.777 10.532 11.213 13.087 14.797 :

Doğal gazın birincil üretimi (bin TOE) 665 582 284 344 510 644 816 839 827 :

Tüm enerji ürünlerinde net ithalat (bin TOE) 46.028 54.291 49.536 54.234 60.505 63.232 67.266 73.256 80.596 :

Toplam yurt içi enerji tüketimi (bin TOE) 74.275 80.500 75.402 78.331 83.826 87.818 91.074 99.642 107.625 :

Elektrik üretimi (bin GWh) 116,4 124,9 122,7 129,4 140,6 150,7 162,0 176,3 191,6 198,6

Tarım Not 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Tarımsal mal ve hizmetlerin üretim endeksi, hacim (üretici fiyatları, önceki yıl=100) 94,7 104,2 93,3 108,5 98,0 101,6 106,9 : : :

Kullanımdaki toplam tarım arazisi (bin hektar) 39.180 38.757 40.967 41.196 40.645 41.210 41.223 40.496 39.505 39.073

Hayvancılık: Büyükbaş (bin baş, dönem sonu) (9) 11.054 10.761 10.548 9.803 9.788 10.069 10.526 10.871 11.037 10.860

Hayvancılık: Domuz (bin baş, dönem sonu) 3 3 3 4 7 4 2 1 2 2

Hayvancılık: Koyun ve keçi (bin baş, dönem sonu) 38.030 35.693 33.994 31.954 32.203 31.811 31.822 32.260 31.749 29.568

Çiftliklerde süt üretimi ve kullanımı (toplam süt, bin ton) : : : : : : : : : :

Bitkisel üretim: Hububat (pirinç dâhil) (bin ton, hasat edilen ürün) 28.749 32.108 29.426 30.686 30.658 33.957 36.471 34.642 29.256 29.287

Bitkisel üretim: Şeker pancarı (bin ton, hasat edilen ürün) 17.102 18.821 12.633 16.523 12.623 13517 15.181 14.452 12.415 15.488

Bitkisel üretim: Sebze (bin ton, hasat edilen ürün) 22.083 22.357 21.930 23.698 24.018 23.215 24.320 24.017 25.676 27.214

SI = Yapısal göstergeler : = mevcut değil p = geçici değer e = tahmini değer b = seride bozulma (1) Göller dâhil.

(2) Aralık 2005’ten önce M1, dolaşımdaki para ve vadesiz mevduatı içermektedir (YTL). Aralık 2005’ten itibaren M1, dolaşımdaki para ve vadesiz mevduatı içermektedir (YTL ve yabancı para) (3) Aralık 2005’ten önce M2, M1’i ve vadeli mevduatı içermektedir (YTL). Aralık 2005’ten itibaren M2, M1’i ve vadeli mevduatı içermektedir. (YTL ve yabancı para).

(4) Aralık 2005’ten önce M3, M2’yi ve mevduat stoğunu (vadeli/vadesiz) içermektedir. Aralık 2005’ten itibaren M3, M2’yi ve repo işlemlerinden elde edilen fonları ve para piyasası fonlarını (B tipi likit fonları) içermektedir.

(5) İşletmelere bir yıldan uzun süreli krediler için aylık verilerin ortalaması.

(6) Bir yıl veya daha uzun süreli olmak üzere, aylık verilerin ortalaması.

(7) Paacshe endeksi olarak 2003 referans yıl olmak üzere ISIC Rev. 3’e göre hesaplanmıştır.

(8) 2004’den itibaren veri kaynağı Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğüdür.

(9) Mandaların sayısı dâhil değildir.


(extract from the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament "Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2009-2010", COM(2009)533 final) Turkey continues to sufficiently fulfil the political criteria. Free and fair municipal elections took place throughout the country. Some progress has been achieved in the areas of reform of the judiciary, civil-military relations, and cultural rights. The government has begun a process of broad consultation with political parties and civil society with a view to addressing the Kurdish issue. However, significant further efforts are needed in most areas related to the political criteria, -in particular fundamental rights- and as regards constitutional reforms.

As regards democracy and the rule of law, the investigation of the alleged criminal network Ergenekon has led to serious criminal charges, involving among others military officers. This case is an opportunity for Turkey to strengthen confidence in the proper functioning of its democratic institutions and the rule of law. However, it is important that proceedings in this context fully respect the due process of law, in particular the rights of the defendants. The Government reiterated its commitment to EU-related reforms, appointed a full-time Chief Negotiator and approved the National Programme for the Adoption of the acquis. However, the lack of dialogue and spirit of compromise between political parties is detrimental to the pursuit of reforms. Turkey still needs to bring its legislation on political parties in line with European standards.

As regards public administration reform, considerable further efforts are needed, in particular on the modernisation of civil service. Reducing red tape and promoting administrative simplification, as well as further developing a professional, independent, accountable, transparent and merit-based civil service remain priorities.

As regards civilian oversight of the security forces, some progress has been made in particular on limiting the jurisdiction of military courts. However, senior members of the armed forces continued making statements on issues going beyond their remit, and full parliamentary oversight of defence expenditure needs to be ensured. The alleged involvement of military personnel in anti-government activities, disclosed by the investigation on Ergenekon, raises serious concerns.

In the area of the judiciary, the adoption by the Government of the judicial reform strategy following a process of consultation with all stakeholders is a positive step. Measures to increase staff and funding are also positive. However, these efforts need to be continued, and concerns remain with regard to the independence, impartiality and effectiveness of the judiciary such as the composition of the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors and the establishment of the regional courts of appeal.

The legislative framework designed to prevent corruption has been improved. However, corruption remains prevalent in many areas. Turkey needs to finalise an anti-corruption strategy and to develop a track record of investigations, indictments, prosecutions and convictions.

Concerning human rights and the protection of minorities, some progress has been made but significant efforts are still needed. There was some progress as regards the observance of international human rights law. However, the ratification of the optional protocol to the UN Convention against Torture (OPCAT) and the implementation of some ECtHR judgements requiring legislative amendments remain outstanding. The institutional framework for promoting and enforcing human rights needs to be strengthened. An Ombudsman institution remains to be established.

While the Turkish legal framework includes a comprehensive set of safeguards against torture and ill-treatment, efforts to implement it and fully apply the government's zero-tolerance policy have been limited. Allegations of torture and ill-treatment, and impunity for perpetrators are still a cause for great concern. In order to assess accurately progress in this area it would be helpful that the Turkish authorities promptly authorise the publication of the Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) report.

As regards prisons, some progress was made on improving infrastructures and training, and recruiting additional staff. However, the problem of overcrowding and the high proportion of prisoners on pre-trial detention remain to be addressed.

Article 301 of the Turkish Criminal Code is no longer used systematically to restrict freedom of expression. However, there are prosecutions and convictions based on a number of other articles of the Criminal Code. Turkish law does not sufficiently guarantee freedom of expression in line with the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) and the ECtHR case law. Political pressures on the media and legal uncertainties affect the exercise of freedom of the press in practice.

Concerning freedom of association, the legal framework is broadly in line with European standards. However, considerable progress needs to be made as regards its implementation;

associations face disproportionate scrutiny of their activities which in some cases has led to judicial proceedings.

As regards freedom of religion, implementation of the law on foundations has been smooth.

The Government has undertaken a dialogue with the Alevi and non-Muslim religious communities. However, their specific problems still have to be addressed. The law on foundations does not address the issue of properties seized and sold to third parties, or of properties of foundations merged before the adoption of the new legislation. Attacks against minority religions still occur. A legal framework in line with the ECHR has yet to be established, so that all non-Muslim religious communities and the Alevi community can function without undue constraints, including as regards training of clergy. Further efforts are needed to create an environment conducive to full respect of freedom of religion in practice.

The overall legal framework guaranteeing women's rights and gender equality is broadly in place. However, further significant efforts are needed to turn the legal framework into reality and to narrow the gap between men and women in economic participation and opportunity, political empowerment, and access to education. Domestic violence, honour killings and early and forced marriages remain serious problems in some areas of the country. There is a need for further training and awareness-raising on women's rights and gender equality, for both men and women.

Efforts need to be stepped up in all areas related to children's rights, including administrative capacity, health, education, the juvenile justice system and child labour. Cases of juveniles tried as adults under the anti-terror law, and facing disproportionate sentences raise serious concerns.

Legislation is still needed to ensure that trade union rights are fully respected in line with EU standards and the relevant International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions, in particular the rights to organise, to strike and to bargain collectively.

The situation with minority rights remains unchanged. Some progress has been made on cultural rights, especially in the form of starting a national TV channel broadcasting in Kurdish. However, restrictions remain, particularly on the use of languages other than Turkish in private TV and radio broadcasting, in political life, education, and contacts with public services. The legal framework on the use of languages other than Turkish gives room to restrictive interpretations, and implementation is inconsistent. There has been no progress in the situation of the Roma, who frequently face discriminatory treatment. Demolitions of Roma districts without provision of alternative housing continue.

As concerns the East and Southeast, the government has opened a wide-ranging public debate -covering cultural, political and economic matters- on the Kurdish issue. It is crucial that this debate be followed by concrete measures. The adoption of a Law on the de-mining of the Syrian Border is another positive step. However, the broad interpretation of anti-terror legislation has resulted in undue restrictions on the exercise of fundamental rights. The village guard system still needs to be phased out.

Terrorist attacks by the PKK, which is on the EU list of terrorist organisations, continued and claimed many lives.

Compensation of internally displaced persons (IDPs) has continued. However, the government lacks an overall national strategy to address the IDP issue, and needs to step up efforts to address IDPs' needs.,

With regard to regional issues and international obligations, Turkey has expressed public support for the ongoing negotiations under UN auspices to find a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem. However, there has been no progress towards normalisation of bilateral relations with the Republic of Cyprus. Turkey has not fully implemented the Additional Protocol to the Association Agreement and has not removed all obstacles to the free movement of goods, including restrictions on direct transport links with Cyprus.

As regards relations with Greece, further exploratory talks were held but no agreement reached on border disputes. Further confidence-building steps have been taken. A considerable number of formal complaints were made by Greece about continued violations of its airspace by Turkey, including flights over Greek islands. Relations with Bulgaria remain positive. Good neighbourly relations remain key.

Turkey continues to play a positive role in the Western Balkans.

Since June 2009, Turkey holds the rotating Chairmanship of the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP).

The economy of Turkey contracted following the drop of both external and domestic demand, in particular investment. However, the impact of the crisis was largely limited to the real sector of the economy also due to previous structural reforms and countercyclical measures.

Macroeconomic stability has been largely preserved. Inflation decreased significantly, mainly because pressures stemming from energy inputs and previously buoyant economic activity eased. Unemployment increased significantly. In a difficult economic environment, the structural reform process has somewhat decelerated, in particular in the first half of 2009. The absence of credible fiscal plans and anchors added some uncertainty to the investment climate.

As regards the economic criteria, Turkey is a functioning market economy. It should be able to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union in the medium term, provided that it continues implementing its comprehensive reform programme in order to address structural weaknesses.

The consensus on economic policy essentials has been maintained under the current challenging circumstances. Turkey accommodated demands for expansionary policies to counter the marked economic contraction and largely embedded them in a broader development strategy entailing higher public investment, job creation and sectoral reforms.

Some progress was made in upgrading the country's human and physical capital, although the economic crisis represents a challenge to this process. Access to external financing remained open and the official reserves declined only moderately from a high level. External imbalances were reduced significantly and inflationary pressures subsided. Privatisation continued with some major operations, in particular in the energy sector. In spite of several bouts of global financial instability, the Turkish financial sector has shown remarkable resilience. Turkey diversified its trade towards new markets, thereby partly alleviating the impact of the crisis.

However, while the anti-crisis fiscal measures cushioned somewhat the economic downturn, they could put benefits from previous years of fiscal consolidation and medium-term sustainable policies at risk if they are not withdrawn timely. Measures to increase fiscal transparency were put on hold and even reversed in some cases. Labour market conditions became increasingly challenging and unemployment increased sharply. Job creation continued to be hampered, notably by a skills mismatch between labour demand and supply, relatively high social contribution rates and by the rigidity of employment practices. In spite of various new initiatives by the Turkish government, the economic crisis is complicating the access of SMEs to finance and slowing down the sectoral transformation of the Turkish economy. The allocation of state aid continued to lack transparency. While market entry has benefited from the adoption of new legislation, there are still obstacles in market exit. The legal environment, and in particular court procedures, pose practical challenges and create obstacles to a better business environment. Turkey adopted a comprehensive action plan to reduce the informal economy, which remains an important challenge.

Turkey continued improving its ability to take on the obligations of membership. Progress, at times uneven, was made in most areas. Alignment is advanced in certain areas, such as free movement of goods, intellectual property rights, anti-trust policy, energy, enterprise and industrial policy, consumer protection, statistics, Trans-European Networks, and science and research. Efforts need to continue to pursue alignment in areas such as environment, state aid, social policy and employment, company law, public procurement, food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policies and free movement of services. As regards the Customs Union and external relations, alignment needs to be completed, particularly with regard to coordination of positions in the WTO. A number of longstanding trade irritants remain unresolved and new ones have been created. It is essential that Turkey respects fully its commitments under the Customs Union. For most areas it is crucial that Turkey improves its administrative capacity to cope with the acquis.

With regards to free movement of goods legislative alignment is quite advanced, but limited progress was made in the reporting period. Trade has been increasingly hampered by technical barriers related to conformity assessment and standardisation. Alignment in the areas right of establishment and the freedom to provide services is at an early stage. No progress has been recorded in the field of postal services, nor on mutual recognition of professional qualifications. As regards the free movement of capital Turkey made some progress, in particular concerning the action plans on capital movements and payments and on

With regards to free movement of goods legislative alignment is quite advanced, but limited progress was made in the reporting period. Trade has been increasingly hampered by technical barriers related to conformity assessment and standardisation. Alignment in the areas right of establishment and the freedom to provide services is at an early stage. No progress has been recorded in the field of postal services, nor on mutual recognition of professional qualifications. As regards the free movement of capital Turkey made some progress, in particular concerning the action plans on capital movements and payments and on