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In this study, firstly, the effects of some demographic variables on STS were examined. Then, the relationships among EMS domains, STS, and self-compassion were analyzed. Finally, whether the relationship between EMS domains and STS was mediated by self-compassion was examined.

First of all, when the analysis findings related to the role of some demographic variables on STS are examined, refugee aid workers who receive in-service training tend to experience less STS than the others who do not receive this training. On the other hand, the roles of gender, age, education level, feeling a sense of competence, and working experience on STS was not found to be significant.

Secondly, when examining the findings of relationships, it was seen that

“Disconnection and Rejection”, “Impaired Autonomy and Performance”, “Impaired Limits”, “Other-directedness”, and “Unrelenting Standard” schema domains were negatively and significantly associated with self-compassion. Moreover, “Disconnection and Rejection”, “Impaired Autonomy and Performance”, “Other-directedness”, and


“Unrelenting Standard” schema domains were positively and significantly correlated with STS. On the other hand, the relationship between Impaired Limits and STS was not found significant. The relationship between self-compassion and STS was found to be significant and negative.

Finally, when reviewing mediation model analyses, it was found that “Disconnection and Rejection”, “Impaired Autonomy and Performance”, “Other-directedness”, and

“Unrelenting Standards” predicted STS through self-compassion. On the other hand, it was discovered that the relationship between Impaired Limits and STS was not mediated by self-compassion.

When evaluating all findings, receiving in-service training is found very effective to prevent STS among refugee-aid workers. The level of compassion that refugee aid workers will show for themselves is related to their high scores in EMS domains and STS in refugee aid workers is related to all EMS domains except for Impaired Limits. STS level among refugee aid workers who get high scores in “Disconnection and Rejection”, “Impaired Autonomy and Performance”, “Other-directedness”, and/or “Unrelenting Standards” is decreased with self-compassion.



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