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Çalışma Planı (Çalışma Takvimi) VME411 - NECROPSY Haftalar Haftalık Konu Başlıkları
Postmortal examination, Aim of necropsy,General rules in necropsy, Necropsy time, Determination of necropsy place, Disposal of cadaver, Necessary precautions in necropsy, Tools and equipments in necropsy, Euthanasia, Dead and dead findings,Dead
Dead findings,Algor mortis,Rigor mortis,Postmortal coagulatio sanguis, Postmortal hipostatic congestion, Imbibition,Palor mortis, Postmortal,Autolysis, Putrefaction, Postmortal findings in some organs
Factors in Selecting Necropsy Method I. Necropsy position, II. Skinning and separation of the skin of the extremities, III. Opening of cavities of body IV. Removal the neck organs, V. Removal of brain and other spaces
4.Hafta Necropsy Methods in Ruminants 5.Hafta Necropsy Methods in Equidae
6.Hafta Necropsy Methods in Dogs and Cats, Rokitansky Method
7.Hafta Necropsy Method in Pigs, Modified method, opening thoracal and abdominal cavities and removal of organs
Necropsy Methods in Poultry Euthanasia Methods Gas (Inhalation) Method Injection Method (Euthanasia with high doses of anasthetic agents), Desarticulation of cervical vertebrae Decapitation, Electric current.
Necropsy methods in laboratory and some wild animals, Tools and equipments,Necropsy Method,Taking sterile samples for culture,Necropsy method in some wild animals
10.Hafta Cosmetique Necropsy 11.Hafta Fish Necropsy
12.Hafta "Examining the general principles applied to cadaver: Out look,Overview,Special view,Internal Look,Diagnostic Methods "
Within the scope of qualitative and quantitative morphological criteria of lesions, Morphological lesions (formal) to determine the pathogenesis,Differentiation death cause and postmortal changes belonging to main disease with secondary
morphological changes from morphological changes of physiological changes,Morphological diagnosis,Pathogenesis and etiologic diagnosis