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中文摘要  本研究之初步目標,在於評估以


Academic year: 2021

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本研究之初步目標,在於評估以 PEO-PBLA 嵌段式聚合微膠體作為體內口服

含有一段 LacZ 基因的質體 DNA 之載體。以每天投與 3 個劑量的方式,在口 服投與 6 個劑量, 48 小時之後能達到最高的基因表現。而且,基因表現可以 在十二指腸的絨毛隱窩和杯狀細胞以及胃組織的隱窩細胞經由 X-gal 定性染 色的方法觀察到。此外,在全血和肝臟也可測得基因表現。另一方面,若預 先給予 EDTA 後,甚至於在腦及睪丸亦可測得基因表現。

另外,利用體外穿透試驗,評估此嵌段式共聚合物與質體 DNA 所形成的微膠

體製劑在不同濃度的質體 DNA 下對十二指腸的影響。其結果顯示,在低濃度 下 (<130μg/μl) 所測得的擬穿透係數,並未隨濃度的增加而增加,且達到 (5.75

±0.37) X 10-5 cm/s 。此外,在分別以 RGD 和 EDTA 處置的結果得知,其擬

穿透係數各為 (0.95±0.57) X 10-5 cm/s 以及 (29.8±5.7) X 10-5 cm/s ,可以推測

此嵌段式共聚合物與質體 DNA 所形成的微膠體製劑可能是經由吞噬作用 (end

ocytosis) 的途徑進入組織,而且可以經開啟緊密結合區 (tight junction) 的作用

來增加質體 DNA 進入組織的量,進而增加其基因轉染效率。總而言之,本實

驗室以 PEO-PBLA 嵌段式聚合微膠體作為體內口服的基因載體,可以達到安



Preparation of coated granules using ploymeric aqueous dispersion


The primary objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of using PEO- PLBA non-ionic copolymeric micelles as a carrier for oral gene delivery of plasmid DNA with the LacZ gene in vivo. After six doses of oral delivery 3 times a day, the most intense gene expression was observed at 48 h. Reporter gene expression was d etected around the villi, crypts, and goblet cells of duodenum and crypt cells of sto mach tissues. Also reporter gene was expressed in the circulating blood, stomach an d liver organs. Furthermore, brain and testis organs were observed the marker gene expression after EDTA treatment.

Assessment of the effect of the copolymers with plasmid on the duodenum in the in

vitro penetration study showed that the P was dose independent at low concentratio

ns (< 130 g/ l) and reach plateau at (5.75 0.37) x 10-5 cm/s. Furthermore, after   

RGD and EDTA treatment, the transport mechanisms of the plasmid/block copoly

meric micelles were found to occur through endocytosis in tissues by enhancement

through tight junction pathways with P values to (0.95 0.57), and(29.85.7) x 10-5 

cm/s, respectively. Taken together, we reported an efficient and stable gene transfer

with PEO-PPO-PEO polymeric micelles through oral delivery can be achieved in m



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