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Exercises on Passive Voice:


Academic year: 2021

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Exercises on Passive Voice:

1. Most people need exercise.

Exercise is needed by most people.

2. Many people do not take regular exercise.

Regular exercise is not taken by many people.

3. Do many people take too much exercise?

Is too much exercise taken by many people?


4. Thousands of people will read this morning’s local paper.

This morning’s local paper will be read by thousands of people.

5. All of its readers will not appreciate its editorial views.

Its editorial views will not be appreciated by all of its readers.

6. Will many people read the editorial page?

Will the editorial page be read by many people?


7. The postal service does not deliver mail on Sunday.

Mail is not delivered by the postal service on Sunday.

8. Does the postal service collect mail on Sunday?

Is mail collected on Sunday?

9. Next week the rector of our university will announce plans for a new stadium.

Next week plans for a new stadium will be announced by the rector of our university.


10. Will the graduates pay for the new stadium?

Will the new stadium be paid for by the graduates?

11. The builders will not start construction before spring.

Construction will not be started before spring.

12. People steal things form supermarkets.

Things are stolen from supermarkets.


13. Do people steal things from shops?

Are things stolen from shops?

14. The milkman brings the milk to my door but the postman leaves letters in the hall.

The milk is brought to my door but letters are left in the hall.

15. Does the milkman bring the milk to your door?

Is the milk brought to your door?

16. Does the postman leave the letters in the hall?

Are the letters left in the hall?


17. Passengers leave all sorts of things in buses.

All sorts of things are left in buses.

18. Do passengers lose all sorts of things in buses?

Are all sorts of things lost in buses?

19. Students didn’t answer the first question.

The first question wasn’t answered.

20. Students don’t know the answer.

The answer isn’t known.

21. Students couldn’t answer the question.

The question couldn’t be answered.


22. You can’t wash this dress; you must dry-clean it.

This dress can’t be washed; it must be dry-cleaned.

23. Can you repair my watch?

Can my watch be repaired?

24. We can’t repair your clock.

Your clock can’t be repaired.

25. Someone broke into his house and stole a lot of things.

His house was broken into and a lot of things were stolen.


26. They are repairing my piano at the moment.

My piano is being repaired at the moment.

27. Thousands of people have watched this film.

This film has been watched by thousands of people.

28. They are demolishing the entire block.

The entire block is being demolished.

29. Has someone posted my parcel?

Has my parcel been posted?

30. Have you invited Jack?

Has Jack been invited?


31. The teacher was checking the exam papers while the students were completing the writing folder assignment.

The exam papers were checked by the teacher while the writing folder assignment was

completed by the students.

32. They are watching my house.

My house is being watched.

33. They were watching my house.

My house was being watched.

34. They have been watching my house for the last few months.

My house has been watched for the last few months.


35. They have watched my house.

My house has been watched.

36. They had been watching my house.

My house had been watched for the last few months.

37. Passengers shouldn’t throw away the tickets as inspectors may check these during the journey.

The tickets shouldn’t be thrown away as these may be checked during the journey.


The exercises are compiled from;

. B.D. Graver. Advanced English Practice, 14th Ed. Oxford University Press. 2000.

. Cook, Mary Jane. Trouble Spots of English Grammar: A Text- Workbook For ESL. Volume I. & Volume II. New York:

Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. 1983.

. L.G. Alexander. Longman Advanced Reference and Practice.

3rd Ed. Longman. 1993.

. Thomson, A.J., and A.V. Martinet. 1999. A Practical English Grammar. 14th Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.


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