The application of Raman spectrum and MALDI-TOF MS on gastric cancer and colon cancer diagnosis
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In our study, it was possible to identify more than half of the samples with ≥105 CFU/ml growth in culture by using Gram staining and MALDI-TOF MS in direct urine
Exclusion criteria were reduced visual acuity or visual field loss associated with detachment upon initial examination, detachment that could not be encircled by 360°
It includes the directions written to the patient by the prescriber; contains instruction about the amount of drug, time and frequency of doses to be taken...
Findings of our study showed that a 15-day intense pulmonary rehabilitation program improved lung functions, exercise capacity, respiratory muscle strength,
Parastomal Herni Onarımı ve Prolapsus Nedeniyle Yapılan Rezeksiyonda Kolon Kanseri Nüks İhtimali: Nadir Bir Olgu
Sosyal bilgiler öğretim programının genel amaçlarından biri “bilimsel düşünmeyi temel alarak bilgiye ulaşma, bilgiyi kullanma ve üretmede bilimsel ahlâkı
By co-operating with different laser induced light, it can be applied to different substance analysis, and by the scattering light excited by laser, substances can be corresponded