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The application of Raman spectrum and MALDI-TOF MS on gastric cancer and colon cancer diagnosis


Academic year: 2021

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The application of Raman spectrum and MALDI-TOF MS on gastric cancer and colon cancer diagnosis

Gastrointestinal System cancer is one of the commonly occurring cancers in Asia re

gion. In recent years, its mortality rate is even in the top five in Taiwan. It needs ti

me and precise judgment by doctors, and requires large amount of time, money and

human labor, if the sample derived from endoscopic observation or surgery is to be

determined if it is cancerous by pathology examination. Raman Spectrum was disc

overed in 1928, and the scattering light was too weak to be detected effectively. Du

e to the advancement of laser and the enhancement of light source, the detection wa

s therefore made easier and had been used widely these years. By co-operating with

different laser induced light, it can be applied to different substance analysis, and b

y the scattering light excited by laser, substances can be corresponded to different c

ompound. By comparing the location and intensity of scattering spectrum of norma

l and cancerous tissue, and the comparison of tissue structures pathologically, the e

xistence of difference between normal and cancerous tissue can be discovered. Mat

rix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-

TOF-MS) has recently become a popular and versatile method to analyze macromo

lecules from biological origin. The application of MALDI-TOF-MS detect on clinic

al chemistry and biology. MALDI-TOFMS is used in clinical chemistry, e.g. diseas

e markers can be identified with MALDI-MS analysis.


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