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Artistic mother and daughter:Naciye Tevfik-Meliha Zafir


Academic year: 2021

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NACİYE . NEYYAL ( BİEEEf) , 19* ^ ı r ' s o n - ^

lasında kullanmaya .b a ş la d ığ ı-fır ç a s ın ı


»asırda - d a •sürdürdü. Eşi Mehmed Tev-'

f i k Bey-, -Saltanat döneminin banınmış

devlet adanıl anadandı .Kudüs-müst-akil

& £•


sancak m u tasarrıflığınd a, sonra-da Se­

la n ik , Konya-,- Yemen, Bursa ve Ankara-

v a lilik le r in d e -bulundu. S a y ışü a y ,- Da­

nıştay Baş k a n lık la rı-.y a p tı. -Hukuk Fa­

kültesinde Anayasa Hukuku,- Mühendis--

Mektebinde-de İktisad d e r sle ri v e r d i.

89 sen elik ömrü, devlet h izm etleriyle

ve ilmıjçalışmalarla geçti(1867~1956) .

Naciye Neyyal Hanım kocasına uygun

b ir kültüre s a h ip ti. Allah v e r g is i

olan istid a d ın ı f ı r ç a s ı y l a kıymetlen­

d ir d i, Bir portre ressamı olan Naciye

Tevfik/K 1875-1960) , k ız ı Meliha Z a fir

Yenerden'in de güzel sanatların her

bölümünde yetişmesinde t e s i r i oldu.

Annesi g ib i kültürlü b ir hanım olan

Meliha Z a fir Yenerden (1896-1979)

f ır ç a kulland ı, b e ste le r y a p t ı .İ t a l ­

ya'da b ir Fransız okulunda ta h s il

gördü ve Fransızca ş i i r l e r yazdı.

Ş iirle rin d e "Zeyneb A ksel" adını kul­

la n d ı. (1)

J T J Meliha Zafir*enerden*in "Sangumes

et Fusains" adındaki ş i i r k i t a b ı ,1952

senesinde, P a r is 'te Edition de la Re-

vue Moderne tarafından n e şr e d ild i.


Ünlü Fransız aktristi Marie Bell Meliha Yenerden ’in





fırçasıyla Mari Bell by Meliha Yenerden

-in e , ÂoVaU

o l t ■' t,

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W e believe that a mother and her daughter who have used thebrush, .

z p w h o wrote music comparable to Western music and who wrote p o ­ etry in French have to be given a place in this book. These artistic ahd'iruetlectuai women are Naciye fmdOrand her daughter Meiiha


Naciye Tevfik, who started to use the brush in the 19th centuary continued to do so in the 20th centurv. Her husband TevFtk Hamdi s Bey, was a renowned statesman in the days o f the Empire. H e had

been a governor!- mi'iw w i t U t m a/rgi

■ybeen the President o f the Audit Court and the Council o f Slate. ~ H e has lectured in constitutional law in the Faculty o f Law and in econom ics in the Engineering School. His long life o f 8* yedFT (1867-195& was spent in government service and scientific studies. Naciye Wmtfilt; was a lady o f an intellectual formation to match her

. S 3

husband’s. She indulged her natural talents on painting, and con ­ centrated especially on paintings o f tmmmmmmf portraits. Native^

187S-1960) was also influential in providing her daughter in --- ’ ...

Meiiha\Yenerden (1896-1979) with a comprehensive training in all the branches oTTMfihTarfsTMeTina)Yenerden who was also a cul­ tured lady like her mother was an artist and studiedk

t and also wrote poetry in French.(1) She has used the pen-name^ o f Z eynep Aksel, limivucitutcv&mtJilvIike Bafirvn& H eyyai

fofr-0 ,

_VVJa O W M eliha ZaFir Yenerden who received awards foi her musical work m- Frane«i has also had her book o f poem s called “ Sanguines et Fusaines” published in Paris in 1962 by Edition de la Revue M oderne.




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