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Healthy ÜDS & KPDS 17 Questionsq | 12369


Academic year: 2021

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1-The results, reported in Monday's Archives of Internal Medicine, show __________ hard it is to get people to stick with healthy lifestyle changes, ____________ their initial intentions are good.

a) whatever / though b) while / as if c) how / even if d) so / because e) even / in case

2-The problem is producing the material in a dry form with the right particle size with a viable organism in it and having that in a suitable form ________ it would spread on the air and be breathed in the lungs.

a) although b) so that c) as if d) whereas e) nevertheless

3-Germany's suicide rate is above the average rate for European countries, and ________ it is on a downward trend, 7,749 Germans died from suicide in 1999--more than the number who died in auto accidents.

a) lest b) so c) whenever d) in addition e) although

4-Michael Witte, the managing director, welcomed the projects, noting that Germany lacks a central

coordination point for suicide ___________, with the federal government leaving the job to local and state governments. a) precaution b) prevention c) attraction d) contraction e) diagnosis

5-The researchers note that the findings support the need for increasing opportunities and access for mental illness and substance ___________ treatment for homeless populations. a) ban b) abuse c) regulation d) circulation e) trial

6-So __________ you play a foreign language tape at a very low volume while walking, for example, you may be able to learn how to pronounce words more correctly to some degree, __________ you're not paying attention to the tape.

a) that / as b) much / that c) if / even though d) while /because e) however / nor

7-Fears _______ in Argentina after a US letter sent to an Argentine woman tested positive for anthrax last week. Later reports that it was an unusual, harmless strain of the bacteria have just added to confusion.

a) averted b) grew c) denied d) devoted e) exposed

8-In the meantime, Berman cautioned paediatricians to warn parents that ___________ antibiotic use by either parents or children ``raises the risk that the entire family will be colonized by a resistant infection.

a) discriminate b) separate c) applicable d) inheritable e) inappropriate

9-An estimated 50 million Americans age 6 and up have high blood pressure, which significantly increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular ailments. The

___________ in adults is estimated at 25 percent in the United States and other developed countries, and may be slightly higher in Poland.

a) prevalence b) conclusion c) involvement d) introduction


e) consumption

10-__________ the fact that Britain lags behind France, Germany and many of the Scandinavian countries in terms of ___________ we drink, the past decade has seen the number of alcohol related deaths increase by two thirds

a) even / however b) through / no matter c) despite / how much d) due to / what

e) owing to / in contrast

11-There is particular concern about the numbers of women

____________ recommended drinking limits - a fifty per cent rise in the past decade.

a) predicting b) prescribing c) depending d) exceeding e) diminishing



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