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Gröbner–Shirshov Bases for Extended Modular, Extended Hecke, and Picard Groups


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Gr ¨obner–Shirshov Bases for Extended Modular,

Extended Hecke, and Picard Groups


E. G. Karpuz1** and A. S. ¸Cevik2*** 1Karamano ˘glu Mehmetbey University, Turkey

2Sel ¸cuk University, Turkey

Received December 12, 2008

Abstract—In this paper, Gr ¨obner–Shirshov bases (noncommutative) for extended modular, ex-tended Hecke and Picard groups are considered. A new algorithm for obtaining normal forms of elements and hence solving the word problem in these groups is proposed.

DOI: 10.1134/S0001434612110065

Keywords: extended modular group, extended Hecke group, Gr ¨obner–Shirshov bases, word



Algorithmic problems such as the word, conjugacy and isomorphism problems have played an important role in group theory since the work of M. Dehn in the early 1900’s. These problems are called

decision problems, they require a “yes” or “no” answer to a specific question. Among these decision

problems, the word problem in groups and semigroups has been studied most widely (see [1]). It is well known that the word problem for finitely presented groups is not solvable in general; that is, given any two words expressed in the generators of the group, there may be no algorithm to decide whether these words represent the same element in this group.

The method of Gr ¨obner–Shirshov bases, which is the main topic of this paper, gives a new algorithm for obtaining normal forms of elements of groups/semigroups. Therefore, we have a new algorithm for solving the word problem in these groups/semigroups. Having this in mind, our aim in this paper is to find Gr ¨obner–Shirshov bases for extended modular, extended Hecke, and Picard groups.

(a) Gr ¨obner–Shirshov basis. The theories of the Gr ¨obner and Gr ¨obner–Shirshov bases were invented independently by Shirshov [2] (for noncommutative and nonassociative algebras), Hironaka [3], and Buchberger [4] (for commutative algebras). The technique of Gr ¨obner–Shirshov bases has proved to be very useful in the study of presentations of associative algebras, Lie algebras, semigroups, groups, and Ω-algebras by considering generators and relations (see, for example, the book [5] by Bokut and Kukin, and the survey papers [6], [7]).

Let X be a set, let X∗ be the set of X-words (monomials), and let < be a monomial well ordering

of X∗(i.e., < is a well ordering that respects left and right multiplications by words). Also, let k be a field,

and let khXi be the free algebra over X and k. For f ∈ khXi, let f be the maximal (leading) monomial of f . Then f g = f g for any f and g. The polynomial f is said to be monic if the coefficient at f in f is equal to 1. Thus, for monic polynomials f and g, and a, b ∈ X∗the Gr ¨obner–Shirshov basis can be

defined as follows:

(I) Let w be a word such that

w = f b = ag with deg(f) + deg(g) > deg(w). ∗The text was submitted by the authors in English.

**E-mail: eylem.guzel@kmu.edu.tr ***E-mail: sinan.cevik@selcuk.edu.tr


Then the polynomial

(f, g)w = f b − ag

is called the intersection composition of f and g with respect to w. (II) Let w = f = agb. Then the polynomial

(f, g)w = f − agb

is called the inclusion composition of f and g with respect to w. In this case, the transformation f 7→ (f, g)w = f − agb

is called the elimination of the leading word (ELW) of g in f .

Here, the first and second compositions given in (I) and (II) are denoted by f ∧ g and f ∨ g, respec-tively, and the word w is called the ambiguity of the composition (f, g)w. In addition a composition

(f, g)wis called trivial modulo (S, w), in other words, (f, g)w ≡ 0 mod (S, w) if

(f, g)w =


αiaisibi and aisibi< w,

where si∈ S, ai, bi∈ X∗, and αi∈ k. In particular, if (f, g)w is zero by ELW’s of polynomials from S,


(f, g)w≡ 0 mod (S, w).

Definition 1.1. A monic subset S of khXi is called a Gr ¨obner–Shirshov basis (set) if any composition of polynomials from S is trivial modulo S and modulo the ambiguity. In this case, S is also called a

Gr ¨obner–Shirshov basis of the idealId(S) generated by S and of the algebra khX; Si = khXi/ Id(S) generated by X with defining relations S.

The following lemma is due to Shirshov [2]. It is an analog of the Main Buchberger Theorem [4], [8].

Lemma 1.2 ((Composition–Diamond Lemma). Let S ⊂ khXi be a monic set and let < be a

monomial well ordering ofX∗. Then the following conditions are equivalent:

1) S is a Gr ¨obner–Shirshov basis relative to <;

2) if f ∈ Id(S), then f = asb for some s ∈ S and a, b ∈ X;

3) Irr(S) = {u; u 6= asb, s ∈ S, a, b ∈ X∗} is a k-base of the algebra khX; Si.

If S is not a Gr ¨obner–Shirshov basis, then one may construct a Gr ¨obner–Shirshov basis R of Id(S) by adding, at each step, a nontrivial composition of previous polynomials (and reducing it by the ELW’s of previous polynomials and dividing by the leading coefficient). This process is called Shirshov

algorithm. In general, Shirshov algorithm is nonterminating.

The reader is referred to [6], [9]–[14], which are important works on Gr ¨obner–Shirshov basis. (b)Extended modular group, extended Hecke group, and Picard group.

In [15], Hecke introduced an infinite class of discrete groups H(λq) of linear fractional

transforma-tions preserving the upper-half line. The Hecke group is the group generated by x(z) = −1

z and u(z) = z + λq, where λq= 2 cos π/q for some integer q ≥ 3. Let

y = xu = − 1 z + λq

. Then H(λq) has the presentation


For q = 3, the resulting Hecke group H(λ3) = M is the modular group PSL(2, Z). By adding the

inversion r(z) = 1/z to the generators of the modular group, we obtain the extended modular group H(λ3) = M; it was defined in [16]. Then the extended Hecke group, denoted by H(λq), was first

defined in [17] by adding the inversion r(z) = 1/z to the generators of H(λq) as in the extended modular

group M. The Hecke group H(λq) is a subgroup of index 2 in H(λq). By [16], we know that the extended

Hecke group H(λq) is isomorphic to D2∗Z2Dq(where Dqis the dihedral group with 2q elements) and has the presentation


q)= hx, y, r; x

2, yq, r2, (xr)2, (yr)2i. (1)

For q = 3, one obtains the extended modular group M. The Hecke groups H(λq), the extended

Hecke groups H(λq), and their normal subgroups have been extensively studied from many points of

view in the literature (see, [18]–[20]). The Hecke group H(λ3), the modular group PSL(2, Z), and its

normal subgroups have been of great interest in many fields of mathematics, for example number theory, automorphic function theory, and group theory. In [21], these groups were considered from another point of view; it was shown that the extended Hecke group H(λq) is the semi-direct product (split extension)

of the Hecke group H(λq) by a cyclic group of order 2. Moreover, by considering the presentation (1),

the authors of [21] gave necessary and sufficient conditions for (1) to be efficient (which is an algebraic property) on the minimal number of generators. (We refer to [22] for the definition and some details concerning efficiency).

The Picard group P is PSL(2, Z[i]), i.e., the group of linear fractional transformations with Gaussian integer coefficients. The group P is a free free product with amalgamation of the following form:

P = G1∗MG2, where G1 ∼= S3∗Z3 A4, G2 ∼= S3∗Z2 D2

(we recall that D2 is the Klein 4-group), and M is the modular group PSL(2, Z). By [23], it is known

that a presentation for P is given by

PP= hx, u, y, r; x3, u2, y3, r2, (xu)2, (xy)2, (ry)2, (ru)2i, where x(z) = i iz + 1, u(z) = − 1 z, y(z) = z + 1 −z , r(z) = i iz. 2. GR ¨OBNER–SHIRSHOV BASES FOR M, H(λq), AND P

In this section, we find Gr ¨obner–Shirshov bases for the extended modular group M, the extended Hecke group H(λq), and the Picard group P. By the way, we should note that since modular and Hecke

groups are free products of two cyclic groups presented by

H(λ3) = M = hx, y; x2 = y3= 1i and H(λq) = hx, y; x2= yq = 1i,

respectively, their Gr ¨obner–Shirshov bases consist precisely of their own relations.

Now we consider monoid presentations of M, H(λq) and P. Then we take X, Y , R, and U to be

inverse of the generators x, y, r, and u respectively. Now, considering M and H(λq), we order the set

{X, Y, R, x, y, r}∗

lexicographically by using

y < r < x < Y < R < X, and then consider the polynomials

(1) x2− 1, (2) y3− 1, (3) r2− 1, (4) xr − rx, (5) ry2− yr, (6) Xx − 1, (7) xX − 1, (8) Y y − 1, (9) yY − 1, (10) Rr − 1, (11) rR − 1


for extended modular group M and the polynomials

(12) x2− 1, (13) yq− 1, (14) r2− 1, (15) xr − rx, (16) ryq−1− yr, (17) Xx − 1, (18) xX − 1, (19) Y y − 1, (20) yY − 1, (21) Rr − 1, (22) rR − 1

for the extended Hecke group H(λq).

For the Picard group P, we order the set {X, Y, U, R, x, y, u, r}∗ lexicographically by using

x < y < u < r < X < Y < U < R and then consider the polynomials

(23) x3− 1, (24) u2− 1, (25) y3− 1, (26) r2− 1, (27) ux2− xu, (28) y2x2− xy, (29) y2r − ry, (30) ru − ur, (31) Xx − 1, (32) xX − 1, (33) U u − 1, (34) uU − 1, (35) Y y − 1, (36) yY − 1, (37) Rr − 1, (38) rR − 1. The main theorem of this paper is the following.

Theorem 2.1. The Gr ¨obner–Shirshov bases for extended modular groups, extended Hecke

groups, and Picard groups consist of the polynomials (1)–(11), (12)–(22), and (23)–(38), respec-tively.

Proof. We need to prove that all the compositions of the polynomials (1)–(11), (12)–(22), and (23)–

(38) are trivial. If we check for the inclusion compositions of these polynomials, we see that there are no compositions of this type. So it remains to check the intersection compositions of polynomials of each group.

(I)Extended modular groups. Let us consider the intersection compositions of the polynomials (1)– (11). The ambiguities are the following:

(1) ∧ (1) : w = x3, (1) ∧ (4) : w = x2r, (1) ∧ (7) : w = x2X, (2) ∧ (2) : w = y4, (2) ∧ (9) : w = y3Y, (3) ∧ (3) : w = r3, (3) ∧ (5) : w = r2y2, (3) ∧ (11) : w = r2R, (4) ∧ (3) : w = xr2, (4) ∧ (5) : w = xry2, (4) ∧ (11) : w = xrR, (5) ∧ (2) : w = ry3, (5) ∧ (9) : w = ry2Y, (6) ∧ (1) : w = Xx2, (6) ∧ (4) : w = Xxr, (6) ∧ (7) : w = XxX, (7) ∧ (6) : w = xXx, (8) ∧ (2) : w = Y y3, (8) ∧ (9) : w = Y yY, (9) ∧ (8) : w = yY y, (10) ∧ (3) : w = Rr2, (10) ∧ (5) : w = Rry2, (10) ∧ (11) : w = RrR, (11) ∧ (10) : w = rRr. These ambiguities are trivial. Let us show this for some of them.

(1) ∧ (4) : w = x2r,

(f, g)w = (x2− 1)r − x(xr − rx) = x2r − r − x2r + xrx

= xrx − r ≡ 0 (by polynomials (1) and (4)). (2) ∧ (9) : w = y3Y,

(f, g)w = (y3− 1)Y − y2(yY − 1) = y3Y − Y − y3Y + y2

= y2− Y ≡ 0 (by polynomials (2) and (9)). (4) ∧ (5) : w = xry2,


(f, g)w = (xr − rx)y2− x(ry2− yr) = xry2− rxy2− xry2+ xyr

= xyr − rxy2≡ 0 (by polynomials (4) and (5)).

(II)Extended Hecke groups. Let us consider the intersection compositions of the polynomials (12)– (22). Then we have the following ambiguities:

(12) ∧ (12) : w = x3, (12) ∧ (15) : w = x2r, (12) ∧ (18) : w = x2X, (13) ∧ (13) : w = yq+1, (13) ∧ (20) : w = yqY, (14) ∧ (14) : w = r3, (14) ∧ (16) : w = r2yq−1, (14) ∧ (22) : w = r2R, (15) ∧ (14) : w = xr2, (15) ∧ (16) : w = xryq−1, (15) ∧ (22) : w = xrR, (16) ∧ (13) : w = ryq, (16) ∧ (20) : w = ryq−1Y, (17) ∧ (12) : w = Xx2, (17) ∧ (15) : w = Xxr, (17) ∧ (18) : w = XxX, (18) ∧ (17) : w = xXx, (19) ∧ (13) : w = Y yq, (19) ∧ (20) : w = Y yY, (20) ∧ (19) : w = yY y, (21) ∧ (14) : w = Rr2, (21) ∧ (16) : w = Rryq−1, (21) ∧ (22) : w = RrR, (22) ∧ (21) : w = rRr. These ambiguities are trivial. Let us show this for two of them.

(16) ∧ (13) : w = ryq,

(f, g)w = (ryq−1− yr)y − r(yq− 1) = ryq− yry − ryq+ r

= r − yry ≡ 0 (by polynomials (13) and (16)). (17) ∧ (18) : w = XxX,

(f, g)w = (Xx − 1)X − X(xX − 1) = XxX − X − XxX + X ≡ 0.

(III)Picard groups. Let us consider the intersection compositions of the polynomials (23)–(38). In this case, we have the following ambiguities:

(23) ∧ (23) : w = x4, (23) ∧ (32) : w = x3X, (24) ∧ (24) : w = u3, (24) ∧ (27) : w = u2x2, (24) ∧ (34) : w = u2U, (25) ∧ (25) : w = y4, (25) ∧ (28) : w = y3x2, (25) ∧ (29) : w = y3r, (25) ∧ (36) : w = y3Y, (26) ∧ (26) : w = r3, (26) ∧ (30) : w = r2u, (26) ∧ (38) : w = r2R, (27) ∧ (23) : w = ux3, (27) ∧ (32) : w = ux2X, (28) ∧ (23) : w = y2x3, (28) ∧ (32) : w = y2x2X, (29) ∧ (26) : w = y2r2, (29) ∧ (30) : w = y2ru, (29) ∧ (38) : w = y2rR, (30) ∧ (24) : w = ru2, (30) ∧ (27) : w = rux2, (30) ∧ (34) : w = ruU, (31) ∧ (23) : w = Xx3, (31) ∧ (32) : w = XxX, (32) ∧ (31) : w = xXx, (33) ∧ (24) : w = U u2, (33) ∧ (27) : w = U ux2, (33) ∧ (34) : w = U uU, (34) ∧ (33) : w = uU u, (35) ∧ (25) : w = Y y3, (35) ∧ (28) : w = Y y2x2, (35) ∧ (29) : w = Y y2r, (35) ∧ (36) : w = Y yY, (36) ∧ (35) : w = yY y, (37) ∧ (26) : w = Rr2, (37) ∧ (30) : w = Rru, (37) ∧ (38) : w = RrR, (38) ∧ (37) : w = rRr.

These ambiguities are trivial. Let us show this for some of them. (24) ∧ (27) : w = u2x2,

(f, g)w = (u2− 1)x2− u(ux2− xu) = u2x2− x2− u2x2+ uxu

= uxu − x2≡ 0 (by polynomials (24) and (27)). (29) ∧ (30) : w = y2ru,


(f, g)w = (y2r − ry)u − y2(ru − ur) = y2ru − ryu − y2ru + y2ur

= y2ur − ryu ≡ 0 (by polynomials (29) and (30)). Hence we have the result.

The word problem for a group G asks the following question.

Let G be a group given by a finite presentation hS; Ri. Is there an algorithm that decides

whether or not a given word is equivalent to the identity inG?

As we noted in the first section, a Gr ¨obner–Shirshov basis of G yields a set of normal forms of elements of G; that is, for each group element, there is a unique word representing it. Hence, by considering normal forms of elements of G, we can solve the word problem for G. Therefore, by Theorem 2.1, we have the following assertions.

Let C(w1), C(w2), and C(w3) be the normal forms of the words w1 ∈ M, w2∈ H(λq), and w3 ∈ P.

Then the following statement is valid.

Corollary 2.2. The wordsC(w1), C(w2), and C(w3) have the forms

C(w1) = yi1rj1xk1yi2rj2xk2· · · yinrjnxkn, 0 ≤ ip≤ 2, 0 ≤ jq, ks≤ 1, 1 ≤ p, q, s ≤ n; C(w2) = yi1rj1xk1yi2rj2xk2· · · yinrjnxkn, 0 ≤ ip≤ q − 1, 0 ≤ jq, ks≤ 1, 1 ≤ p, q, s ≤ n; C(w3) = xi1yj1uk1rl1xi2yj2uk2rl2· · · xinyjnuknrln, 0 ≤ ip, jq≤ 2, 0 ≤ ks, lt≤ 1, 1 ≤ p, q, s, t ≤ n.

Corollary 2.3. The extended modular groups, the extended Hecke groups, and the Picard groups have a solvable word problem.


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