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Academic year: 2021

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Analysis of the EEG Signals Response to Musical Signal Stimuli

݅࠶דǵߋݥЎǵ৪ࡌ཰ *

ѠчᙴᏢεᏢ ᙴᏢၗૻࣴز܌

Wei-Chih Lin , Hung-wen Chiu , Chien-Yeh Hsu *

Graduate Institute of Medical Informatics, Taipei Medical University

* Corresponding Author. Email: cyhsu@tmu.edu.tw

΋ǵʳύЎᄔा ߈ԃٰ೚ӭ࣬ᜢޑࣴز᛾ჴΑॣ኷ޑਏ݀ё аϸࢀӧΓᡏޑ΋٤ғ౛ኧᏵ[1]Ƕՠӧ EEG(တݢ) Бय़ǴᗲϿڀԖ၁ᅰుΕޑѐ௖૸ӧॣ኷ڈᐟΠ Γᜪတ೽ࢲ୏ޑቹៜǶࡺҁࣴز๱ख़ӧಡ᠋ॣ኷ ਔ EEG( တ ݢ ) ϐ ϩ ݋ Б ݤ Ǵ ၮ Ҕ ᓎ ᛼ ϩ ݋ (frequency distribution analysis)аϷጕ܄ᐱҥϡҹ ϩ݋ݤǴԑӧϩ݋တݢӧಡ᠋όӕॣ኷܌ౢғޑ ᡂϯǴ٠යఈૈᏵаϩᜪǵᡉҢॣ኷੝፦ᆶғ౛ ૻဦ੝፦໔ޑ࣬ᜢ܄Ƕ

Զҁࣴزว౜ӧಡ᠋๤጗ॣ኷(Soft)аϷڙ ෳޣҁي܌഻ངޑॣ኷(Favorite)ਔǴӧ Alpha

band аϷ Theta band ೽ϩǴว᝺ڙෳޣഗယ೽

(Parietal)P3ǵP4ǵPz Οᗺϐ EEG Power ڀԖܴᡉ ΢ϲǴԶӧའᄾॣ኷(Rock)аϷؒԖ᠋ॣ኷ޑ௃ ნΠ(baseline)Ǵഗယ೽ EEG Power ࠅև౜Πफ़ޑ ௃ݩǶ೭٤ว౜ᡉҢрॣ኷ޑৡ౦ዴჴૈϸᔈӧ Γᡏ EEG ΢Ƕ

ᜢᗖຒǺ တݢǵॣ኷ǵᓎ᛼ϩ݋ǵጕ܄ᐱҥϡҹ ϩ݋ݤǶ


In recent years, many studies have shown that music can reflect quantifiable physiological effects on human. However, in the part of EEG, not many research projects have made use of EEG to verify the music influence on human brain activity. This research has emphasized on the development of analytical tools and methods for bio-signals, especially focused on the part of EEG with musical signal stimuli. We can use frequency distribution analysis and linear separation algorithms such as the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to analyze the data collected from the scalp electrodes. The ultimate goal is to analyze EEG responses of subjects with different musical signal stimuli. It is expected that different musical signal stimuli can be classified and therefore the correlation between music and bio-signal characteristics can be demonstrated.

In this study, we have found out that when subjects were listening to Soft and subject-preferred

music, the EEG power at parietal points-P3ǵP4ǵPz located on alpha band and theta band-were both on the rise. When subjects were listening to rock music and at baseline, however, the EEG power at parietal was decreasing. These findings have confirmed that the differences in music stimulation have reflected physiological effects on human EEG.

Keywords: Electroencephalogram, Music Stimuli, Frequency Distribution Analysis, Independent Component Analysis ΒǵጔҗᆶҞޑ Ծђаٰॣ኷ӧΓᜪޑғࢲύ΋ޔ՞Ԗ๱ख़ ाޑӦՏǴԶ߈ԃٰ೚ӭ࣬ᜢޑࣴزΨ᛾ჴΑॣ ኷ ޑ ਏ ݀ ё а ϸ ࢀ ӧ Γ ᡏ ޑ ΋ ٤ ғ ౛ ኧ Ᏽ [1-3]ǶԶԿҞ߻ࣁЗǴᗲϿԖࣴزుΕޑϩ݋တ ݢǴٰӑ᛾ॣ኷ჹΓᡏတ೽ࢲ୏ޑቹៜǶڂࠠϩ ݋ ғ ౛ ૻ ဦ த ٬ Ҕ ਔ ᓎ ϩ ݋ (Time-frequency analysis)բࣁϩ݋ EEG کॣ኷ૻဦޑБݤ[4]Ǵஒ

EEGբഡճယᙯඤϩ݋ȐFourier transformȑǴஒ

ፄᚇޑݢࠠᙯϯԋᓎୱǴ٠٩ᓎ౗ޑόӕϩձᄒ ڗр Alpha bandǵBeta bandǵGamma bandǵTheta bandǴᙖԜ࣮рόӕ band ޑமࡋ Ǵளډတݢӧ ؂΋ᓎ౗΢ޑϩթ௃׎٠җԜϩ݋Ƕҁࣴزი໗ ς߃؁ࡌҥଆಡ᠋ॣ኷ਔғ౛ߞဦϐໆෳБݤ [5]Ƕ ନᓎ᛼ϩ݋ѦǴҗܭໆෳ EEG ૻဦਔǴሡճ Ҕܫ࿼ᓐҜ΢ޑႝཱུ(electrodes)ѐԏ໣တ㚊ઓ࿶ ϡޑࢲ୏ǴՠࢂӢࣁεတǵλတຯᓐҜԖ΋λࢤ ຯᚆǴ೭ύ໔кᅈΑ Volumn- conductanceǴ܌а ᓐҜ΢ޑҺՖ΋ঁႝཱུ೿཮ԏ໣ډӧ΋ঁ࣬྽ε ୔ୱϣတઓ࿶ϡޑࢲ୏ǶЪӢࣁ೭ᅿ໺Ꮴ٠όੋ Ϸਔ໔ᒨۯ(time-delay)Ǵ܌аጕ܄ϩᚆݤǴٯӵ ᐱҥϡҹϩ݋(Independent Component Analysis, ICA)൩ࡐ፾ӝҔٰϩ݋ᓐҜ΢ԏ໣ډޑတႝݢǴ όሡा٣߻ଷ೛٣߻ౢғႝՏޑวғᏔԖ൳ঁǴ ൩ёவ΋୴షӝޑૻဦύ୔ϩрൂᐱޑӚձޑૻ ဦٰྍ[6,7]Ƕ ICAҔٰϩ݋တݢૻဦਔǴӧόӕႝཱུ΢ԏ ໣ޑEEGૻဦࢂᒡΕޑંତ̔ǴԶICAޑᒡр̑ж ߄όӕޑᐱҥϡન(Independent Component)Ƕ̑ޑ


؂ ΋ ӈ (Row) ж߄όӕޑઓ࿶ᆛၡ܈ࢂတѦ (Extra-brain)ૻဦྍȐٯӵઁ౳࿊Ǵᖍय़ԼԺם୏ȑ ܌ౢғޑݢࠠǶӢࣁICAࢂ΋ঁΜϩᙁൂޑጕ܄ س಍Ǵ̑=̓̔Ǵ܌аךॺΨёаஒ΋ঁঁޑᐱҥ ϡનǴൂᐱӦ׫ቹډᓐҜ΢ޑႝཱུǴΨ൩ࢂ̔= ̓-1̑[8,9]Ƕ ࡺҁࣴز๱ख़ӧಡ᠋ॣ኷ਔ EEG(တݢ)ϐϩ ݋БݤǴаᓎ᛼ϩ݋ǵጕ܄ᐱҥݤٰϩ݋တݢӧ όӕॣ኷ڈᐟΠ܌ౢғޑᡂϯǴ٠යఈૈᏵԜ੝ ፦уаϩᜪǴᡉҢॣ኷੝፦ᆶғ౛ૻဦ੝፦໔ޑ ࣬ᜢ܄Ƕ ΟǵБݤᆶ׷਑ ҁࣴزӼ௨ڙෳޣಡ᠋ॣ኷Ǵໆෳڙෳޣӧ ௗԏॣ኷ڈᐟރᄊΠǴԏڗऊ 15 ϩដޑတݢၗ ਑Ƕॣ኷ڈᐟޑᒧ᏷ϩձࣁ๤጗ॣ኷(Soft)ǵའᄾ ॣ኷(Rock)аϷڙෳޣԾᒧॣ኷(Favorite)Ǵу΢ ό᠋ॣ኷(Baseline)ᕴӅѤᅿ௃ნǶჴᡍჹຝϐᒧ ڗаѠчᙴᏢεᏢᏢғࣁЬЪค᠋᝺ϐምᛖǵค ҺՖςޕ཮ቹៜတݢޑ੯ੰǵ҂ۓයܺҔᛰނЪ ᜫཀଛӝୖᆶҁჴᡍޣǶჴᡍ຾ՉޑӦᗺࣁ΋ೀ ӼᓉόڙѦࣚυᘋޑࣴز࠻Ƕတݢᐒҁࣴز௦Ҕ

Stellate HarmonieǴ٬Ҕ 10-20 systems ୯ሞ኱ྗݤ

(კ΋)ᘏڗ 21 ঁ Channel တݢૻဦǶ྽ڙ၂ޣٰ ډࣴز࠻ࡕǴҁࣴزޣࣁڙ၂ޣௗ΢တݢᐒǴ٠ ࣁڙ၂ޣᔎ΢ԸᐒǴڙ၂ޣ֤ӧԖ᎞ङёԾฅܫ ᚞ޑශη΢ௗڙჴᡍ௃ნǶࣁΑᗉխჴᡍ௃ნኞ ܫ໩ׇ܌೷ԋޑᇤৡǴࡺჴᡍ௃ნ௦ҔᒿᐒޑБ Ԅև౜Ƕ

კ΋ǺThe 10-20 System of Electrode Placement ( рԾhttp://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/10 20.html [10])

ӧϩ݋တݢၗ਑Бय़Ǵஒᘏڗډޑတݢૻဦ ϩࣁ RockǵSoftǵBaseline аϷڙෳޣԾᒧॣ኷ Ѥঁ௃ნǴϩ݋ځਔᓎૻဦϐ੝܄Ǵໆෳрတݢ ૻဦϐ Alpha bandǵBeta bandǵGamma bandǵTheta

bandӚᓎ஥ޑૈໆኧॶǴӕਔࣁΑ࠼ᢀޑᢀჸӚ ڙෳޣૈໆޑᡂϯ௃׎ǴࡺஒӚૈໆኧॶჹᕴૈ ໆ଺࣬ନၲډ҅ೕϯҞޑǶ٩Ԝኧॶբࣁတݢૻ ဦޑ੝፦Ǵӕਔ٠ஒတݢૻဦ೸ၸ ICA բೀ౛Ǵ ᙖԜᢀჸ܌ϩ௼ဂ໔ᆶ܌᠋ॣ኷ޑ࣬ᜢ܄ǶԶӧ ಍ीϩ݋Бय़ǴҗܭԖਏၗ਑ࣁΐಔǴࡺҁࣴز ճҔค҆ኧϩ݋ȐNonparametric testȑWilconxon

Singned Ranks Testٰᔠᡍӧόӕჴᡍ௃ნΠޑတ

ݢᓎ᛼ࢂցԖ܌όӕǶ Ѥǵ่݀ᆶ૸ፕ २Ӄךॺᢀჸ EEG ӧӚᅿ௃ნΠόӕᓎ஥ ޑᡂϯ௃ݩǴკΒᡉҢတ೽ 21 channels ӧѤᅿჴ ᡍ௃ნΠ Alpha band ਔޑૈໆॶǶёа࣮ـځύ 3ǵ4ǵ7ǵ11ǵ14ǵ15ǵ18 channel Ԗၨεޑૈໆ К౗ॶǴϩձж߄တ೽΢ P4ǵO2ǵT6ǵPzǵP3ǵ O1ǵT5 Ӛᗺޑ Alpha ݢၨࣁமਗ਼Ƕ ˃ˁ˃˃˃ ˈ˃˃˃ˁ˃˃˃ ˄˃˃˃˃ˁ˃˃˃ ˄ˈ˃˃˃ˁ˃˃˃ ˅˃˃˃˃ˁ˃˃˃ ˅ˈ˃˃˃ˁ˃˃˃ ˄ ˅ ˆ ˇ ˈ ˉ ˊ ˋ ˌ ˄˃ ˄˄ ˄˅ ˄ˆ ˄ˇ ˄ˈ ˄ˉ ˄ˊ ˄ˋ ˄ˌ ˅˃ ˅˄ Channel Power ˥̂˶˾ ˦̂˹̇ ˕˟ ˙˴̉

კΒǺAlpha band ύӚ channel ޑ EEG PowerǴკ ΠБ 3ǵ4ǵ7ǵ11ǵ14ǵ15ǵ18 ϩձж߄တ೽΢ P4ǵO2ǵT6ǵPzǵP3ǵO1ǵT5 ӚᗺǶ ԶӧკΟǵკѤύǴ߾ࢂϩձж߄ӄ೽ڙෳ ޣӧ P3 аϷ P4 channel ύѤঁ௃ნΠ܌ౢғૈໆ К౗ѳ֡ॶǶҗ΢ॊკҁࣴزว౜ӧಡ᠋๤጗ॣ ኷ϷڙෳޣԾᒧॣ኷ਔǴӧ Alpha band ਔǴځڙ ෳޣޑ EEG Power ܴᡉၨଯǶЀځӧܾယ೽

(Occipital)ǵ ഗ ύ ѧ (Midline Parietal) ǵ ഗ ယ ೽

(Parietal)ǵࡕ㙠(Posterior Temporal)೽ϩǶࡺ׳຾ ΋؁ஒৡ౦ၨεޑഗယ೽Տڗрϩ݋Ǵว᝺ P3 ᗺ ӧ Alpha band ک Theta band ޑރᄊǴ྽ಡ᠋๤጗ ॣ ኷ а Ϸ ڙ ෳ ޣ ҁ ي ܌ ഻ ང ޑ ॣ ኷ ਔ Ǵ EEG PowerڀԖܴᡉ΢ϲ(߄΋)ǴԶӧའᄾॣ኷аϷؒ Ԗ᠋ॣ኷ޑ௃ნΠǴഗယ೽ EEG Power ࠅև౜Π फ़ޑ௃ݩ(კΟǵკѤ)Ƕӕኬޑӧ P4ǵPz ٿᗺΨ ว౜ӕኬޑ௃׎Ƕ೭٤ว౜ᡉҢрॣ኷ޑৡ౦ዴ ჴૈϸᔈӧ EEG ΢Ƕՠࢂ಍ीϩ݋рޑܴᡉࡋό ଯǴёૈࢂࣴزኬҁኧόى܌೷ԋޑቹៜǶ ߄΋ǺP3 ᗺӧѤᅿ௃ნΠϐ Power Mean ॶǶ Alpha Theta

Rock Mean=0.12²0.05 Mean=0.04²0.01

Soft Mean=0.23²0.27 Mean=0.06²0.07

Baseline Mean=0.12²0.05 Mean=0.04²0.02


P3 Average ˃ ˃ˁ˃˅ ˃ˁ˃ˇ ˃ˁ˃ˉ ˃ˁ˃ˋ ˃ˁ˄ ˃ˁ˄˅ ˃ˁ˄ˇ ˃ˁ˄ˉ ˃ˁ˄ˋ ˃ˁ˅

Rock Soft BL Fav

Power Ratio Alpha Beta Gamma Theta კΟǺѤᅿ௃ნӧᓐ೽ P3 ᗺ܌ౢғ EEG Power ϐᡂϯǶ P4 average ˃ ˃ˁ˃˅ ˃ˁ˃ˇ ˃ˁ˃ˉ ˃ˁ˃ˋ ˃ˁ˄ ˃ˁ˄˅ ˃ˁ˄ˇ ˃ˁ˄ˉ ˃ˁ˄ˋ ˃ˁ˅

Rock Soft BL Fav

Power Rat io Alpha Beta Gamma Theta კѤǺѤᅿ௃ნӧᓐ೽ P4 ᗺ܌ౢғ EEG Power ϐᡂϯǶ ԶҁࣴزΨஒတݢૻဦբ ICA(კϖ)Ǵ٠ஒϩ ݋ࡕ܌ᕇளӚᐱҥϡҹ Power மࡋᛤᇙԋϩթკ (კϤ)ǴԜკࣁ Rock ௃ნനࡕϖࣾаϷ Sock ௃ ნന߻ϖࣾޑ EEGǴ࿶ ICA ࡕ܌ளډ 21 ঁတݢ ᐱҥϡҹǴҗკύךॺёჸ᝺ӧಃ 10ǵ11ǵ18ǵ 19ǵ20channelǴΨ൩ࢂတ೽ޑഗယ೽(Parietal)ǵ ࡕ㙠(Posterior Temporal)ǵܾယ೽(Occipital)ޑ೽ ϩǴёว౜а 180 ࣾࣁ΢Πϩࣚޑ RockǵSoft ௃ ნǴ࿶ၸ ICA ೀ౛ၸࡕޑૻဦԖΑܴᡉόӕǶ კϖǺEEG ࿶ ICA ࡕ܌ள 21 ঁᐱҥϡҹǴ175~180 ࣁ Rock ௃ნǴ180~185 ࣁ Soft ௃ნǶ კϤǺICA ࡕӚᐱҥϡҹϩթமࡋკ(आՅ೽ϩࣁ PowerၨமǴᙔՅ೽ϩࣁ Power ၨ১) ϤǵୖԵЎ᝘

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Benzer Belgeler

Aims: The goal of this research was to study how different types of background music affected the inappropriate behavior exhibited by patients, during static therapeutic

The results show that minimum alpha power was recorded in listening to metal music and the power of gamma band is lower when listening to no music, which imply that gamma band

結果顯示,在 Metal 狀態下,有最小的 Alpha 能量。而在 No Music 狀態下,Gamma 能量呈現較小的情況。顯示聆聽音樂時會出現 Gamma 波,而聽 Metal

 The results show that minimum alpha power was recorded in listening to metal music and the power of gamma band is lower when listening to no mus ic, which imply that gamma

而在 gamma band,我們發現不管聽何種音樂,其 gamma power 都比沒聽 音樂大,這點和過去的研究結果是雷同的。音樂對 gamma band

(Independent Component Analysis, ICA) 演算法為主,來分析功能性腦照影訊號。我們的分析工具可 以將多管道 (concurrent multiple-channel)

聆聽音樂時腦波及心率變異性之變化 林威志;邱安煒;徐建業;邱泓文 摘要

結合態雌性激素(conjugated estrogens)製劑的原料主要是從懷孕母馬尿中所提煉 出或由合成 estrone 及