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Effect of Dietary Supplemental Yucca schidigera Powder on Fattening Performance of Male Lambs


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Journal of Applied Animal Research

ISSN: 0971-2119 (Print) 0974-1844 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/taar20

Effect of Dietary Supplemental Yucca schidigera

Powder on Fattening Performance of Male Lambs

Murat Görgülü , Sabri Yurtseven , İlknur Ünsal & Hasan Rüşctü Kutlu

To cite this article: Murat Görgülü , Sabri Yurtseven , İlknur Ünsal & Hasan Rüşctü Kutlu (2004) Effect of Dietary Supplemental Yucca�schidigera Powder on Fattening Performance of Male Lambs, Journal of Applied Animal Research, 25:1, 33-36, DOI: 10.1080/09712119.2004.9706469

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/09712119.2004.9706469

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Published online: 11 Nov 2011.

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J. Appl. Anim. Res. 25 (2004) : 33-36

Effect of Dietary Supplemental



Powder on

Fattening Performance of Male Lambs

Murat Gorgulu*, Sabri Yurtseven, Ilknur Unsal, Hasan Ru$u Kutlu

Cukurova University, Agricultural Faculty Department of Animal Science

01330 Adana, Turkey

(Revised received October 24, 2003; accepted November 25, 2003)


Gorgiilii, M., Yurtseven, S., Unsal, I. a n d Kutlu, H.R. 2004. Effect of dietary supplemental Yucca scliidigera powder on fattening performance of male lambs. J. Appl. Anim. Res., 25: 33-36.

To determine the effect of Yucca schidigera powder o n fatteniiig performance of g r o w i i g male lambs iii

two consecutive experiments, 30 l a m b s (Assaf, iii the first expeririaeiit, Ile de France n: Awassi crossbred in

the secoiid experirneiit), weaiied a t 70-80 da,ys, were equa.lly divided i n two g - r o i q x w i t h three replicates each. La.inbs i n both the groups were fed isoca.loric aiid isonitrogeii.ic diets aiid the diet iii treatiiient g-roup

was suppleiiieiited w i t h 1 5 0 p p m Yucca schidigera. The diets had 90% coiiceiitrate aiid 10% alfalfa, straw, coiata.iiiiiig 2.45pcal M E / k g a n d 160g CP/lzg. There was no sigiiificaiit (P>0.05) effect of Yucca schidigera powder O I L fatteiiiiigperforrnance of l a m b s urider our feedimg regime w i t h a diet coiita,iriiilg- high level (90%)

of concentrate.

Keywords: Yucca sclzidigera, saponin, lamb, fattening performance, concentrate


U s e of s o m e m i c r o b i a l c u l t u r e s a s f e e d additives, probiotics a n d some nat ur a l plant extracts have been investigated intensively as a r e p l a c e m e n t for a n t i b i o t i c s a s g r o w t h

enhancers. Yucca schidigei-a contains saponins,

which is a glycoside widely distributed among

plants. Saponins a r e reported ‘to be strong detergent (foaming agent), NH:, and cholesterol b i n d e r s , a n t i b a c t e r i a l a n d a n t i p r o t o z o a l

(Cheeke, 1996). Yucca sch,idigera h a s been

shown to improve ruminal digestion (Goetsch and Owens, 1985), decrease protozoa number, rumen ammonia concentration a n d increase propionate concentration a n d microbial protein yield (Hristov et a,Z., 1999).

*E-mail: gorgulu@cu.edu.tr

171 I J ~ C J O studies on Yucca schidigcm did not totally su p por t t h e findings of in ~ l i t i - o

s t u d i e s a n d a l s o d id n o t provide eno u gh

evidence to reach at any conclusion on the use

of Y u c c a s c h i d i g e r a p o w d e r a s g r o w t h enhancers i n ru mi na nts diets especially for fattening lambs. The present study, therefore, w a s designed to e v a l u a t e w h e t h e r d i et ary Yucca schidige1.a powder supplementation affect fattening performance of male lambs

receiving a diet made up of 90% concentrate

a nd 10% roughage.

Materials and Methods

Two consecutive experiments were carried out to determine t h e effect of Yucca schidig-era powder on f a t t e n i n g performance of male lambs. I n t h e f ir st experiment, Assaf male

33 J. Appl. Aniin. Res. 097 1-2l19/2004/$5.00 0 GSP, India.


34 M. Giirgiilii and coworkers

lambs were used, wherea\\lle de Fra nce x

Awassi crossbred male lambs were used in the

sec ond t r i a l . 30 l a m b s , u s e d i n e a c h

experiment, were weaned a t 70-80 days a n d

divided i n t o two t r e a t m e n t g r o u p s , e a c h c o n t a i ning t h r e e r e p l i c a t e s (s ub -gr ou ps ),

comprising 5 lambs each within 6 in2 group

p e n . A o n e - w e e k a d a p t a t i o n p e r i o d for experimental diets w a s given to the groups before the beginning of the each experiment which lasted 56 days. The diet comprised of 41.14% barley, 15% corn, 11.64% cotton seed

meal (34% CP), 6% soybean meal (44% CP),

13.98% wheat bran, 10% alfalfa, 0.44% salt,

1.6% limestone a n d 0.1% ea c h of m i n e r a l mixture' a n d v i t a m i n mixture 2. T h i s d ie t

supplied 2.45 Mcal/kg ME, 16% CP a n d 10%

CF. 150 ppm Yucca schidigera, powder with

10.76% saponin content w a s supplemented t o diet of second group.

The lambs were fed a d l i b i t i m a n d water was offered freely under a natural photoperiod

a n d thermal conditions i n a semi-open animal house. During t he experiments, each lamb was weighed once every two weeks after 4-5 hours feed a n d water deprivation. Feed intake and feed conversion efficiency were recorded for each sub-group biweekly.

Experiments were planned a n d carried out according to t he completely randomised d e s i g n a n d data w e r e a n a l y s e d by GLM

procedure of SAS (1985).

Results and Discussion

I n both ex pe rimen ts , d u r i n g t h e first four weeks of t h e f a t t e n i n g period, feed i n t a k e

(DFI), live weight gain (DLWG) and feed to gain ratio (FE) were similar for th e lambs fed on diet s wi t h or w it ho ut Y u c c a schidigera powder. However, in the first experiment only

DLWG during 29-56 days of the experiment was significantly higher (P<0.05) for control

group without differing in DFI or FE. However,

Table 1

Effect of Yucca schidigera powder on fattening performance of lambs

Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Periods Items 0 PPm 150 ppm 0 PPm 150 ppm ILW (kg)' 27.5hl .8 27.4+ 1.9 25.3h1.4 25.5rt 1.5 0-28 d DLWG (g/d)' 287.8k22.0 295.1rt17.9 332.1h17.0 348.8* 19.2 DFI (g/d)3 19 1 3*5 4.8 198 1 .8h45 .O 1608.7h13.8 1659.5h 12.2 FE4 7.2h0.7 7. U0.6 5.W0.3 5.W0.4 29-56 d DLWG (g/d) 375.W18.0" 325.0*14.3b 3 6 5.3* 1 4.9 345.0h 1 1.6 DFI (g/d) 2 146.2A38.6 2127.1%113.1 2058.8h24.2 2058.3% 18.0 FE 5.9*0.3 6.6*0.2 5.8h0.2 6. U0.2 0-56 d DLWG (g/d) 33 1.4* 16.4 310.1rt9.3 350.45 13.5 346.9h 12.9 DFI (g/d) 2029.6h46.6 2054.5578.4 183 1.3% 18.9 1 8 5 8 . W 1 .'i FE 6.3rt0.4 6.7iO. 3 5.3rt0.2 5.5h0.2

"."Means in a row with no common superscript differ (P<0.05) within experiment.


'".'ILW=initial live weight; DLWG=daily live weight gain, DFI=daily feed intake, FE=feed to gain ratio.

'Mineral mixture contains 10000 rng Mn, 10000 mg Fe, 10000 mg Zn, 5000 rng Cu, 100 mg Co, 100 mgI, 100 mg Se, 36'3650 mg CaCO,, per kg.


Yucca schidzgera srippleriieritatzoii to lambs diet 35

Yucca supplementation h a d no significant effect on fattening performance of the lambs d u r i n g t h e e n t i r e e x p e r i m e n t a l p e r i o d (0-56d) in both t h e e xpe rime nts (Table 1). These findings are i n a g r e e m e n t with t h e results of Goodall et al. (1979) a n d Mader a nd Bruinm (1987). They reported t h a t there were no differences between fattening performances of cattle fed diet with or without yucccr extract. The reasons of tendency of decreasing live

weight gain after the 4th week of the trials are

not clear, however, the high concentration of Yucca schidigei*a powder i n the diet or its accumulation in the r ume n may have negative effect on rumen fermentation and/or animal. Camacho et al. (1993) reported t h a t high level

o f i n c 1 u s io n of E I L t e r o 1 o b


u 171. c y c 1 o c a r p i~ i n

containing saponin to diet decreased digestible dry matter intake but not affected DLWG in sheep. Preston et al. (1985) also revealed t h a t t h e s t e e r s c o n s u m e d 500 m g p e r d a y sarsaponin gained 6% faster a n d those fed 900

mg per day sarsoponin gained 6% slower a n d

consumed 6% less amount of feed t h a n control steers. Goetsch a n d Owens (1985) reported t r e n d s t o w a r d s d e p r e s s e d r u m i n a l

degradability of ADF and efficiency of microbial

synthesis in the rumen with yucca saponin. I n our studies, experimental diets were made up with high level of concentrate (90% concentrate and 10% alfalfa straw), leading to low rumen

pH, as it was observed around 5.42-5.96 i n our

other experiment (Gorgulu, 1994) with similar

diets. It h a s been reported that low rumen pH

depresses protozoa numbe rs greatly i n t h e rumen (Yokoyama a n d Johnson, 1988) a n d decreases pr otein d e g r a d a t i o n a n d r u m e n a m m o n i a n i t r o g e n ( R u s s e l et al., 1992). Therefore, it could be speculated t h a t feeding high c oncentra te m a y m a s k t h e pote n ti al effects of saponin. Additionally, decrease i n daily gain in the second half of the first study but not in the second study using different sheep breeds suggest a possibility t h a t the effect of yucca on live weight gain may vary

according to the sheep breeds (Odenyo et al.,


I t m a y b e c o n c l u d e d t h a t d i e t a r y

supplementation of Yucca schidige1.a powder

a t 150 ppm level h a d no beneficial effect on fattening performance of lambs receiving a high concentrate diet.


Camacho, A.N., Laredo, M.A., Cuesta, A,, Anzola, H. and Leon, J . C . 1993. Effects of supplement,at,ion with a tree legume forage on rumen function. Livest. Res. Rur. Dev., 5(2): 33-45.

Cheeke. P.R. 1996. Biological effects of feed and forage saponins and their impacts on animal production. I n: Sapoiiiiis Used i l l Food arid Agl-iciiltrirc.

G.Waller and K. Yamasaki (Eds.) Plenum Press.

New York, NY pp. 377-385.

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1979. Sarsaponin and inonensin effects upon i i i vitro VFAa concentration, gas production and

feedlot performance. J . Anim. Sci., 49 (Suppl. 1): 370 (Abstract).

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K.J., Newbold, C.L. and Cheeke, P.R. 1999. Effect of Yucca schidigera on ruminal fermentation and

nutrien t digestion in heifers. J. Anim. Sci., 7 7 : 2554-2563.

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Preston, R.L., Pritchard, R.H. and Goodall, S.R. 1985. Determination of th e optimum dose of sevarin (sarsaponin) for feedlot steers. J. Anim. Sci., 61 (Suppl.): 464.

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36 M. Gorgiilii and coworkers

Yokoyama, M.T. and Johnson, K.A. 1988. Microbiology

of the rumen and intestine. In: The Ruminant

Anirnal Digestive Physiology and Nutrition. D.C.

Church (Ed.). Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA.


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