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The Influence of Static Magnetic Field on Neuronal Outgrowth of
Alanyazında okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin veya öğretmen adaylarının aile katılım çalışmalarına ilişkin öz-yeterlik inançlarını ve bu alandaki öz- yeterlik inancına
Our results indicated that the survival rate of the tested mice was significantly increased due to SMF exposure in advance for 2 hours before LPS challenge. At 48 hours post
靜脈曲張患者夏日切勿沐浴過度以免血流如注引發低血壓休克~ [ 發表醫師 ] :鄭國良 醫師(皮膚雷射中心) [ 發布日期 ] :2004/9/1
The preliminary survey was aimed at investigating the knowledge, attitude, and behavior regarding HIV/AIDS prevention among the IVDUs, and assessing their willingness