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2015 婦 女 生 殖 與 健 康 國 際 會 議

焦點新聞 張貼人:秘書處 ╱ 公告日期:2015-01-12

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2015 International Conference on Women's Reproduction and Health

2015 婦女生殖與健康國際研討會 Feb 7-8, 2015

台北醫學大學綜合大樓後棟 16 樓

線上報名 http://2015icwrh.tw

Scientific Program

Feb 7




0720-0820 Registration / Coffee and Tea

0820-0830 Opening remarks Chii-Ruey Tzeng

0830-1030 Session1: Foliculogenesis, gamete physiology & embryo culture

Johan Smitz (Free University, Brussels) IVM as human ART

Hong-Nerng Ho

(National Taiwan University) Benjamin Tsang(University of Ottawa, Canada)

Chii-Ruey Tzeng (Taipei Medical University, Taiwan) The role of mitochondria in human reproduction William Shu Biu Yeung

(University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) MicroRNA and embryo implantation

Huei-Wen Chen

(National Taiwan University) Chia-Woei Wang


Shee-Uan Chen (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) Successful performance of oocyte freezing for social and medical indications :what is optimal age range and how to conduct for obtaining good-quality oocytes and embryos

(Taipei Medical University)

1030-1045 Coffee break

1045-1245 Session2: Stem cell and placenta research

B. Linju Yen

(National Health Research institutes, Taiwan) Understanding differentiation capacity and

immunomodulatory properties of human fetal-stage stem cells for therapeutic use

Yen-Hua Huang

(Taipei Medical University) Hung-Chih Kuo

(Academia Sinica)

Hsin-Fu Chen (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

Using pluripotent stem cells as a model to study women's reproductive health

Chun Peng (York University, Canada) microRNAs in placental development

Joseph Huang

(Ohio State University) Heng-Kien Au

(Taipei Medical University) Shannon Bainbridge (University of Ottawa, Canada)

Identification of Unique Molecular Subclasses of Preeclampsia

1245-1255 Group photo opportunity 1255-1400 Lunch

1400-1530 Session3: Carcinogenesis, chemoresistance and disease management

Hidetaka Katabuchi (Kumamoto University, Japan) The origin and novel therapeutic discovery of epithelial ovarian cancer

Cheng-Yang Chou (National Cheng Kung University)

Chiou-Chung Yuan

(Taipei Medical University) Ting-Chang Chang

(Chang Gung University and Memorial Hospital)

Benjamin Tsang (University of Ottawa, Canada)

Investigations on the Role and Regulation of Gelsolin in Chemoresistance in Gynecologic Cancers – An

international Effort

Dar-Bin Shieh (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan) The use of micro/nano technology in disease management 1530-1545 Coffee break

1545-1715 Session4: Food compounds and breast cancer

Chantal Matar (University of Ottawa, Canada)

Functional food compounds and breast cancer prevention

Wan-Wan Lin

(National Taiwan University) Yuan-Soon Ho

(Taipei Medical University) Alice L. Yu


Identification of breast cancer stem cell biosignature and targeting strategies

Jane C-J Chao

(Taipei Medical University) Shih-Min Hsia (Taipei Medical University, Taiwan)

Chinese herbal medicine and reproductive endocrine disorders

1720-1800 Small group discussion for collaboration (15F Conference Room)

Feb 8th Topic

0730-0800 Coffee and Tea

0800-0900 Session5: Benign disease affects women’s health and fertility: PCOS

Ming-I Hsu (Taipei Medical University, Taiwan)

Phenotypes and metabolic disturbances in women with polycystic ovary syndrome

Hong-Yuan Huang

(Chang Gung University and Memorial Hospital)

Mei-Jou Chen

(National Taiwan University) Benjamin Tsang (University of Ottawa, Canada)

PCOS: From Bench to Clinic and Back - New Insights into an Old Problem

0900-1000 Session6: Benign disease affects women’s health and fertility: endometriosis

Shaw-Jenq Tsai

( National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan) Epigenetics and Endometriosis

Eing-Mei Tsai (Kaoshiung Medical University) Ming-Jer Chen (Taichung Veterans General Hospital) Yu-Ming Hu (MacKay Memorial Hospital)

Wei-Chung Vivian Yang

(Taipei Medical University, Taiwan) Biomarkers of endometriosis 1000-1015 Coffee break

1015-1215 Session7: Ovarian cancer and gynecological cancer

Hung-Cheng Lai (Shuang Ho Hospital, TMU, Taiwan) Ovarian cancer stem cell research: clinical implication

Hidetaka Katabuchi (Kumamoto University)

Chao-Lien Liu

(Taipei Medical University) Barbara Vanderhyden (University of Ottawa, Canada)

Lessons learned from mouse models of ovarian cancer Cheng-Yang Chou

( National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)

Molecular mechanism of chemoresistance in epithelial

Chyong-Huey Lai

(Chang Gung University)


ovarian cancer Cherng-Jye Jeng

(Kaohsiung Medical University)

Chao-Hsiun Tang (Taipei Medical University, Taiwan) Economic evaluation on policy for cervical cancer prevention

1230-1330 Lunch & Small group discussion for collaboration (15F Conference Room )

1330-1400 Focus group reports & charting the future 1400-1415 Closing remark


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