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4.1. The Comparison of Perceptions and Attitudes of the Groups

Table 4.1. The Opinions of the Students for “the Attitude Scale for Using Films in the Language Classrooms” in the Experimental Group (N=27)

The Answer Options


I Strongly Disagree I Disagree Neutral I Agree I Strongly Agree

f % f % f % f % f % x S

Item 1 6 22.

2 5 18.5 7 25.

9 6 22.2 3 11.1 2.62 1.36

Item 2 7 25.

9 4 14.8 1 3.7 11 40.7 4 14.8 3.03 1.50

Item 3 5 18.

5 3 11.1 3 11.

1 10 37.0 6 22.2 3.33 1.44

Item 4 5 18.

5 2 7.4 8 29.

6 7 25.9 5 18.5 3.18 1.35

Item 5 4 14.

8 3 11.1 3 11.

1 8 29.6 9 33.3 3.55 1.45

Item 6 4 14.

8 5 18.5 4 14.

8 11 40.7 3 11.1 3.14 1.29

Item7 3 11.

1 1 3.7 3 11.

1 15 55.6 5 18.5 3.66 1.17

Item 8 3 11.

1 1 3.7 4 14.

8 13 48.1 6 22.2 3.66 1.20

Item 9 3 11.

1 1 3.7 3 11.

1 11 40.7 9 33.3 3.81 1.27

Item 10 3 11.

1 1 3.7 5 18.

5 10 37.0 8 29.6 3.70 1.26

Item 11 2 7.4 1 3.7 3 11.

1 10 37.0 11 40.7 4.00 1.17

Item 12 3 11.

1 1 3.7 8 29.

6 6 22.2 9 33.3 3.62 1.30

Item 13 4 14.

8 2 7.4 6 22.

2 10 37.0 5 18.5 3.37 1.30

Item 14 6 22.

2 4 14.8 6 22.

2 6 22.2 5 18.5 3.00 1.44

Item 15 6 22.

2 6 22.2 4 14.

8 7 25.9 4 14.8 2.88 1.42

Among the students in the experimental group, 11.1% of the subjects strongly agreed the opinion in Item 1, 22.2% of them stated they agreed, 18.5% disagreed, 25.9% of them were neutral and 22.2% of them strongly disagreed the opinion.

The average of the scores for the opinions of the students is ( x = 2.62).

Among the students in the experimental group, 14.8% of the subjects strongly agreed the opinion in Item 2, 40.7% of them stated they agreed, 14.8% disagreed, 3.7% of them were neutral and 25.9% of them strongly disagreed the opinion. The average of the scores for the opinions of the students is ( x = 3.03).

Among the students in the experimental group, 22.2% of the subjects strongly agreed the opinion in Item 3, 37.0% of them stated they agreed, 11.1% disagreed, 11.1% of them were neutral and 18.5% of them strongly disagreed the opinion.

The average of the scores for the opinions of the students is ( x = 3.33).

Among the students in the experimental group, 18.5% of the subjects strongly agreed the opinion in Item 4, 25.9% of them stated they agreed, 7.4% disagreed, 29.6% of them were neutral and 18.5% of them strongly disagreed the opinion.

The average of the scores for the opinions of the students is ( x = 3.18).

Among the students in the experimental group, 33.3% of the subjects strongly agreed the opinion in Item 5, 29.6% of them stated they agreed, 11.1% disagreed, 11.1% of them were neutral and 14.8% of them strongly disagreed the opinion.

The average of the scores for the opinions of the students is ( x = 3.55).

Among the students in the experimental group, 11.1% of the subjects strongly agreed the opinion in Item 6, 40.7% of them stated they agreed, 18.5% disagreed, 14.8% of them were neutral and 14.8% of them strongly disagreed the opinion.

The average of the scores for the opinions of the students is ( x = 3.14).

Among the students in the experimental group, 18.5% of the subjects strongly agreed the opinion in Item 7, 55.6% of them stated they agreed, 3.7% disagreed, 11.1% of them were neutral and 11.1% of them strongly disagreed the opinion.

The average of the scores for the opinions of the students is ( x = 3.66).

Among the students in the experimental group, 22.2% of the subjects strongly agreed the opinion in Item 8, 48.1% of them stated they agreed, 3.7% disagreed, 14.8% of them were neutral and 11.1% of them strongly disagreed the opinion.

The average of the scores for the opinions of the students is ( x = 3.66).

Among the students in the experimental group, 33.3% of the subjects strongly agreed the opinion in Item 9, 40.7% of them stated they agreed, 3.7% disagreed, 11.1% of them were neutral and 11.1% of them strongly disagreed the opinion.

The average of the scores for the opinions of the students is ( x = 3.81).

Among the students in the experimental group, 29.6% of the subjects strongly agreed the opinion in Item 10, 37.0% of them stated they agreed, 3.7% disagreed,

18.5% of them were neutral and 11.1% of them strongly disagreed the opinion.

The average of the scores for the opinions of the students is ( x = 3.70).

Among the students in the experimental group, 40.7% of the subjects strongly agreed the opinion in Item 11, 37.0% of them stated they agreed, 3.7% disagreed, 11.1% of them were neutral and 7.4% of them strongly disagreed the opinion. The average of the scores for the opinions of the students is ( x = 4.00).

Among the students in the experimental group, 33.3% of the subjects strongly agreed the opinion in Item 12, 22.2% of them stated they agreed, 3.7% disagreed, 29.6% of them were neutral and 11.1% of them strongly disagreed the opinion.

The average of the scores for the opinions of the students is ( x = 3.62).

Among the students in the experimental group, 18.5% of the subjects strongly agreed the opinion in Item 13, 37.0% of them stated they agreed, 7.4% disagreed, 22.2% of them were neutral and 14.8% of them strongly disagreed the opinion.

The average of the scores for the opinions of the students is ( x = 3.37).

Among the students in the experimental group, 18.5% of the subjects strongly agreed the opinion in Item 14, 25.9% of them stated they agreed, 14.8%

disagreed, 22.2% of them were neutral and 22.2% of them strongly disagreed the opinion. The average of the scores for the opinions of the students is ( x = 3.00).

Among the students in the experimental group, 14.8% of the subjects strongly agreed the opinion in Item 15, 25.9% of them stated they agreed, 22.2%

disagreed, 14.8% of them were neutral and 22.2% of them strongly disagreed the opinion. The average of the scores for the opinions of the students is ( x = 2.88).

Table 4.2. The Perception Levels of the Students for “the Attitude Scale for Using Films in the Language Classrooms” in the Experimental Group

Attitude Very Bad Bad Medium Well Very Well S

Range 19-33 34-48 49-63 64-79 80-95

54.62 5.63

f 1 6 12 5 3

% 3.7 22.3 45.0 18.5 11.5

When the table 4.2. is analyzed according to the findings obtained from the attitude scale towards the use of films in language classrooms, it can be deduced that total scores of experimental group was determined as medium ( x =54.62).

4.1.2. The Effects of Using Films in the Language Classrooms on the Attitudes of Experimental Group

The results of dependent t-Test for the difference in the perception scores of the students in experimental group related to the use of films in the language classrooms according to their gender were given in Table 4.3.

R.Q.2. To what extent does using film as a multimodal way have effects on the development of the students’ comprehension skills in reading in terms of:

a) gender?

Table 4.3. The Results of Dependent t-Test for the Difference in the Perception Scores of the Students in Experimental Group Related to Using Films in the Language Classrooms According to Gender

Gender N x S sd t p

Female 18 53.20 4.87

26 .073 .943

Male 9 51.42 8.05

According to Table 4.3., it was understood that the scores of perception related to using films in the language classrooms among the male and female students in the experimental group displayed no significant difference between the genders after the implementation of the test (t(26)=.073, p>.05). According to the obtained findings, the average perception scores of the male students in the experimental group related to the use of films in the language classrooms is ( x =51.42) while the average perception scores of the female students related to the use of films in the language classrooms is ( x =53.20). Those results indicate that the perception levels of the both male and female students in the experimental group displayed similarity in terms of their attitudes.

The results of dependent t-Test for the attitude scale towards the use of films in the language classrooms among the students in experimental group according to the school they graduated were given in Table 4.4.

b) high school graduations?

Table 4.4. The Results of Independent t-Test for the Attitude Scale towards the Use of Films in the Language classrooms among the Students in Experimental Group According to high school graduations

Type of High School

N x S sd t p

Anatolian High

School 20 56.80 4.51

26 3.16 .027

State School 7 46.14 7.28

According to Table 4.4., it was understood that the scores of attitudes displayed significant difference between the students of Anatolian High School and the students of normal high schools in the experimental group related to the use of films in the language classrooms on behalf of the students graduated from Anatolian High Schools after the implementation (t(26)=3.16, p>.05). According to the obtained findings, the average perception scores of the students graduated from Anatolian High Schools in the experimental group related to the use of films in language classrooms is ( x =56.80) while the average perception scores of the students graduated from state schools related to the use of films in language classrooms is ( x =46.14). Those results indicate that the perception levels of the students in the experimental group who graduated from Anatolian High Schools related to use of films in the language classrooms differed from the students who graduated from state schools after the implementation.

4.2. The Distribution of the Answers Given to the Perception Scale for the